escaping :

Hi All.

I have a script that I setup and it works from terminal.

I need to create it into an application.

There is some punctuation in the script that I need to escape, but can not figure out how to get past it.

set SentItems to "Sent Items"

do shell script "/usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -c "delete :MailAccounts:2:SentMessagesMailboxName string" ~/Library/Preferences/"
do shell script "/usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -c "Add :MailAccounts:2:SentMessagesMailboxName string '$SentItems'" ~/Library/Preferences/"

Any help would be appreciated.

You can use “quoted form of” to add quotes to a string

do shell script "/usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -c " & quoted form of "delete :MailAccounts:2:SentMessagesMailboxName string" & " ~/Library/Preferences/"

Thanks a lot that did the trick.

you can also escape some characters by preceding them with a \

I have found some cases where you need to escape things twice, once in the AS layer and once in the shell, so you end up with double \

I generally always put my shell commands into a variable first, and then you can see what you are getting using a display dialog like this

set mailCmd to "/usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -c "Add :MailAccounts:2:SentMessagesMailboxName string '$SentItems'" ~/Library/Preferences/"

display dialog "mailCmd" default answer mailCmd

set mailCmdResult to (do shell script mailCmd)

sometimes it can be helpful to store the result of a do shell script, helpful to detect odd errors

just make sure to comment out the dialog before sharing your script

Why are you using plist buddy instead of defaults write?

