Does anyone have any idea why this crashes tiger?
set shortname to do shell script “whoami”
– get the administrator password
set x to display dialog "Enter the administrator password for " & shortname default answer “”
set jagpass to text returned of x
set shellscript to “sudo rm -R /TheVolumeSettingsFolder/HFSExtentTables/*”
my sudoshell(shellscript, jagpass)
set shellscript to “sudo rm /Desktop”
my sudoshell(shellscript, jagpass)
set shellscript to “sudo rm /Desktop\ DB”
my sudoshell(shellscript, jagpass)
set shellscript to “sudo rm /Desktop\ DF”
my sudoshell(shellscript, jagpass)
display dialog (shortname & " the files have been cleared. Please Log Out. When you log back in the ilok trial period will be reset") ¬
buttons {“Ok”} default button 1
on sudoshell(cli, pswd)
display dialog cli
do shell script cli password pswd with administrator privileges
on error the error_message number the error_number
display dialog "Error: " & the error_number & ". " & the error_message buttons {“OK”} default button 1
end try
end sudoshell