Hey All,
Wondering if anyone knows how to go about doing this or has some code to provide some direction
- Excel has the option to provide a linkto function, essentially you can make the cell contents a hyperlink or what I’m interested in is a cell reference.
A. current GUI workflow is:
1. select a cell
2. command+k (access the interface)
3. Enter the cell reference ex. “#‘Sheet1’!A1”
4. Click Ok to enable
- Does anyone have some code that can do this?
- How do you copy a string into the clipboard?
set the clipboard to strgVal
Pseudocode for above would be:
loop until end of list
List: 1,2,3,4,5
select cell refercence A1
copy list entry 1 to clipboard
system events to press command k
system event paste copyboard content
system event enter
set strgVal to "asfasf"
set the clipboard to strgVal
tell application "System Events"
keystroke "v" using {command down}
keystroke return
end tell
delay 2
- move to cell A2
any help would be appreciated.