Does anyone know how to set the sort value to font color using applescript?
I can sort by value:
sort range “A:G” key1 range “A1” key2 range “G1”
I need to sort range A1 by value and G1 by font color.
Does anyone know how to set the sort value to font color using applescript?
I can sort by value:
sort range “A:G” key1 range “A1” key2 range “G1”
I need to sort range A1 by value and G1 by font color.
Well there are a few issues with your request.
I think you need to know if #1 is possible first and then see the color value format.
For faster sorting, if you have big data, you might want to add a column that is the color value in excel and use that to sort. Making AS rearrange rows might be time consuming/big code.
Just my 2 cents.
i’ve look over the excel dictionary and have found some things that look promising. However, being able to piece these together into a correct syntax is proving a challenge.
I have the following:
tell application “Microsoft Excel”
tell sheet 1 of active workbook
(sort range “A1:E609” key1 range “E1”) add sortfield sorton {font color:{221, 8, 6} as RGB color}
end tell
end tell
Being a printer and not a pro-scripter, I don’t know a lot of the background Apple events that are happening here.
Any input is appreciated.
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