Excel using column numbers not letters

If I want to insert blank columns in Excel some like

tell application "Microsoft Excel"
	set StockCol to count columns of used range of active sheet
	insert into range range "B:K" shift shift to right
end tell

I could use the union command but has that has a limit of I think 30 , besides being cumbersome I could run out of room. Or I could use a loop but far easier if I could use column 2 to column x.
I actual want to insert columns starting at column 2 the last insertion the count of the columns of the used range .

You can do something like this:

tell application "Microsoft Excel"
	tell active sheet
		tell used range
			--how many columns are there in the used range?
			set colCount to count of columns
			--set up a range from column 2 through the last column
			--we do this by starting with column 2 and then expanding it
			--out to column colCount-1
			--we subtract 1 from colCount because we started at
			--column 2
			set rng to (get resize column 2 column size (colCount - 1))
			--now insert into the used range a number of columns
			--equal to the number of columns in rng
			insert into range rng shift shift to right
		end tell
	end tell
end tell


FYI, unrelated to the issue but the union command has a limit of 30 ranges… not columns or rows.

Perfect, thank you I would never have figured that out and not covered in “Excel Reference” and could not find it on the web either,