I have a server database that I connect to using Appleshare. Thus, the volume is mounted on my desktop. I run a script that scans documents, references them using a contacts file in FM Pro, and then places them in the correct file directory and folder with a personalized name for each file. Each of these pieces seems to work flawlessly with the mounted volume.
However, I then run another script to check the existance of the new document and then to reveal it if the exist command returns a positive result. The problem is that the exist command refuses to return a positive result from this mounted volume even when I have manually checked to make sure that the file exists at that location. Is this merely a flaw of the command, or am I doing something wrong here? And if there is something wrong, how can I get around this?
the script:
set winfile to "Appleshare:Mail_Storage:" & attyfull & ":" & foldername & ":" & theMY & ":" & lastname & "_" & todaysDate & "_" & windowvar & ".pdf"
exists winfile
if result is true then
tell application "Finder"
reveal file winfile
set position of Finder window 1 to {113, 327}
end tell
end if
Any help would be greatly appreciated.