So, updated from my previous thread - I’m trying to export a selection of emails from Mail to a spreadsheet to create a log.
Thanks to a lot of help from here and the Apple community, I now have it working so long as I don’t add the recipients and the cc recipients; however, I need this detail for creating the log. I’m not sure why it’s not working. Is it because the recipient & cc fields would have multiple addresses? Struggling to fix it. Thanks.
set dataLst to {{"SenderNameAddr", "torecipientsNameAddr", "ccrecipientsNameAddr", "Subject", "Date", "Time", "Content"}}
tell application "Mail"
repeat with aMsg in items of (get selection)
tell aMsg
set senderNameAddr to sender
set torecipientsNameAddr to to recipients
set ccrecipientsNameAddr to cc recipients
set msgSubj to subject
set msgDate to date received
set msgTime to time string of msgDate
set msgDate to my dateFormat(date string of msgDate)
set msgContent to content
set msgLst to {senderNameAddr, torecipientsNameAddr, ccrecipientsNameAddr, msgSubj, msgDate, msgTime, msgContent}
copy msgLst to dataLst's end
end tell
end repeat
end tell
tell application "Numbers"
set newDoc to make new document
tell table 1 of active sheet of newDoc
delete column "A" -- remove default Header Column
set column count to length of item 1 of dataLst
set row count to (length of dataLst)
repeat with i from 1 to length of dataLst
repeat with j from 1 to length of item 1 of dataLst
set value of cell j of row i to item j of item i of dataLst
end repeat
end repeat
end tell
end tell
As the plural form suggests to recipients and cc recipients return a list because there can be multiple recipients.
recipients itself is an element, it contains a name and an address property.
A solution is to get the addresses of the recipients and add a handler to flatten the list comma separated
set dataLst to {{"SenderNameAddr", "torecipientsNameAddr", "ccrecipientsNameAddr", "Subject", "Date", "Time", "Content"}}
tell application "Mail"
repeat with aMsg in items of (get selection)
tell aMsg
set senderNameAddr to sender
set torecipientsNameAddr to my flattenList(address of to recipients)
set ccrecipientsNameAddr to my flattenList(address of cc recipients)
set msgSubj to subject
set msgDate to date received
set msgTime to time string of msgDate
set msgDate to my dateFormat(date string of msgDate)
set msgContent to content
set msgLst to {senderNameAddr, torecipientsNameAddr, ccrecipientsNameAddr, msgSubj, msgDate, msgTime, msgContent}
copy msgLst to dataLst's end
end tell
end repeat
end tell
tell application "Numbers"
set newDoc to make new document
tell table 1 of active sheet of newDoc
delete column "A" -- remove default Header Column
set column count to length of item 1 of dataLst
set row count to (length of dataLst)
repeat with i from 1 to length of dataLst
repeat with j from 1 to length of item 1 of dataLst
set value of cell j of row i to item j of item i of dataLst
end repeat
end repeat
end tell
end tell
on flattenList(theList)
set {saveTID, text item delimiters} to {text item delimiters, {", "}}
set theString to theList as text
set text item delimiters to saveTID
return theString
end flattenList
Thank you! It didn’t work at first, but as soon as I added the date format back in, it did!
Next question: Is there a way to truncate the content field to a certain number of characters?
Can I set it to a text string so it gets rid of returns?
I can’t tell you how amazing this is and how much work has been saved by this - thank you again!