i am a newbie and would like to create an apple script that will accomplish the following:
take any bookmarks saved within a specific bookmark folder and export them into a text file where the actual website that is bookmarked is turned into html within the said text document.
for example:
bookmark1 at address http://www.bookmark1.com becomes:
a href=“http://www.bookmark1.com”>bookmark1< /a — i have omitted the neccassary opening and closing brackets of the html so that the actual code can be seen in this post—
bookmark2 would follow on the next line [following a return] and this would continue till all the bookmarks in this bookmark folder were output to html all contained within a single text document.
is this possible? any direction or help would be very much appreciated.
thanks for the tip… this script is somewhat similar to what i am looking to do… however since the script is run-only it gives me little clues as to how to achieve what i am looking to do. i have contacted the author… perhaps he will be gracious enough to share his knowledge.
a href="http://www.macscripter.net>greatest apple script site in all of the land< a>
+++ the above example is broken html for demonstration purposes only.
[2] the ability to extract specific folders or maintain the folders in the text document
took 20 seconds for me to export 516 urls.
I am hitting the drawing board n this one… see if i can come up with anything.
I came up with the following script. It parses out the XML file and keeps the directory structure then generates a javascript text file that I used to make my “blogroll” links on my website (check out the right column on my website for an example). However it’s not perfect, it doesn’t seem to get the links not in a folder and it doesn’t work with Tiger. I’d appreciate any input on this.
display dialog "Please enter the root directory (SafariBookmarsk2Web Beta 1)" default answer "BookmarksBar"
(*buttons {"Next", "Finish"}
set whichButton to (button returned of result)
if whichButton is "Next" then
end if
set RootDirectory to (text returned of result) --set RootDirectory to "BookmarksBar"
set TheDate to (current date)
set the_list to paragraphs of (read file (((path to current user folder) as string) & "Library:Safari:Bookmarks.plist"))
set DirectoryLevel to 0
set DirectoryNumber to 0
set URLCount to 0
set MasterURLDirectory to {}
set SubURLitems to {}
set MasterDirDirectory to {}
set SubDirItems to {}
set CurrentDirectory to ""
--Pre clean list
log "count of the_list: " & (count of the_list) as string
(*repeat with n from 1 to (count of the_list)
if item n of the_list contains tab then set (item n of the_list) to searchReplace((item n of the_list), tab, "")
end repeat *)
--Parse List
set n to 1
repeat (count of the_list) times
set n to n + 1
--log "item n of the_list: " & (item n of the_list)
if item n of the_list contains "</plist>" then
exit repeat
else if item n of the_list contains "<dict>" and item (n + 1) of the_list contains "<key>Children</key>" then
set n to n + 1
set DirectoryLevel to DirectoryLevel + 1
else if item n of the_list contains "</array>" then
set n to n + 1
set FolderTitle to searchReplace(searchReplace(searchReplace((item (n + 1) of the_list), "<string>", ""), "</string>", ""), tab, "")
if FolderTitle is "<integer>1</integer>" then set FolderTitle to "Root"
set FolderTitle to searchReplace(FolderTitle, "'", "")
if CurrentDirectory is "" then
set CurrentDirectory to FolderTitle
set CurrentDirectory to CurrentDirectory & ":" & FolderTitle
end if
if DirectoryLevel is greater than 0 then set DirectoryLevel to DirectoryLevel - 1
set DirectoryNumber to DirectoryNumber + 1
set n to n + 6
copy FolderTitle to end of SubDirItems
copy DirectoryLevel to end of SubDirItems
copy DirectoryNumber to end of SubDirItems
copy SubDirItems to the beginning of MasterDirDirectory
set SubDirItems to {}
--log "n: " & n
--log "FolderTitle: " & FolderTitle
--log "DirectoryLevel: " & (DirectoryLevel as string) & " Directory Name: " & FolderTitle
--log (round ((n / (count of the_list)) * 100))
else if item n of the_list contains "<dict>" and item (n + 1) of the_list contains "<key>URIDictionary</key>" then
set n to n + 1
set theAddress to searchReplace(searchReplace((item (n + 3) of the_list), "<string>", ""), "</string>", "")
--Find title of theAddress
repeat with o from 1 to 7
if item (n + o) of the_list contains "Title" then
set theTitle to searchReplace(searchReplace((item (n + o + 1) of the_list), "<string>", ""), "</string>", "")
exit repeat
end if
end repeat
set n to n + o + 7
--log "n: " & n
if theTitle contains "||" then
set SplitAddress to {}
set OldDelims to AppleScript's text item delimiters
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to "||"
set SplitAddress to text items of theText
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to OldDelims
set CurrentURL to searchReplace(("<a href=\"" & theAddress & "\">" & (item 1 of SplitAddress) & "</a> - " & (item 2 of SplitAddress)), tab, "")
set CurrentURL to searchReplace(("<a href=\"" & theAddress & "\">" & theTitle & "</a>"), tab, "")
end if
set CurrentURL to searchReplace(CurrentURL, "'", "")
copy CurrentURL to end of SubURLitems
copy DirectoryNumber + 1 to end of SubURLitems
copy SubURLitems to end of MasterURLDirectory
set SubURLitems to {}
set URLCount to URLCount + 1
--log "URLCount: " & URLCount
end if
end repeat
set TempList to {}
set littlelist to {}
set NewMasterDirDirectory to {}
repeat with n from 1 to (count of MasterDirDirectory)
set CurrentCount to (item 2 of (item n of MasterDirDirectory)) + 1
if (count of TempList) is less than CurrentCount then
copy item 1 of (item n of MasterDirDirectory) to end of TempList
if (count of TempList) is greater than item 2 of (item n of MasterDirDirectory) then
repeat with o from CurrentCount + 1 to (count of TempList)
set item o of TempList to ""
end repeat
end if
set item ((item 2 of (item n of MasterDirDirectory)) + 1) of TempList to item 1 of (item n of MasterDirDirectory)
end if
--log TempList
set TheString to ""
repeat with p from 1 to (count of TempList)
if item p of TempList is not "" then set TheString to TheString & ":" & item p of TempList
end repeat
copy TheString to end of littlelist
copy item 3 of (item n of MasterDirDirectory) to end of littlelist
copy littlelist to end of NewMasterDirDirectory
set littlelist to {}
end repeat
set FinalList to {}
set NewURLDir to {}
repeat with x from 1 to (count of MasterURLDirectory)
--log "URL: " & item 1 of (item x of MasterURLDirectory)
set TargetDir to item 2 of (item x of MasterURLDirectory)
--log "TargetDir: " & TargetDir
set TheDir to "N/A"
repeat with y from 1 to (count of NewMasterDirDirectory)
--log "item 2 of (item y of NewMasterDirDirectory): " & item 2 of (item y of NewMasterDirDirectory)
if item 2 of (item y of NewMasterDirDirectory) is TargetDir then
set TheDir to item 1 of (item y of NewMasterDirDirectory)
--log "TheDir (2): " & TheDir
exit repeat
end if
end repeat
--log "TheDir (3): " & TheDir
--if TheDir is "" then set TheDir to "N/A"
if TheDir contains RootDirectory then
--set item 2 of (item x of MasterURLDirectory) to TheDir
copy (item 1 of (item x of MasterURLDirectory)) to end of FinalList
--remove extra stuff from start of directory name
set OldDelims to AppleScript's text item delimiters
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to ":"
set DirList to text items of TheDir
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to OldDelims
set NewDirName to ""
set CopyNames to false
repeat with q from 1 to count of DirList
if item q of DirList is RootDirectory then set CopyNames to true
if CopyNames is true and item q of DirList is not RootDirectory and NewDirName is "" then
set NewDirName to (item q of DirList)
else if CopyNames is true and item q of DirList is not RootDirectory and NewDirName is not "" then
set NewDirName to NewDirName & ":" & (item q of DirList)
end if
end repeat
copy NewDirName to end of FinalList
end if
end repeat
--Generate text file contents
set theFileContents to "var urllist = new Array("
--Make links only list
set urlonlylist to {}
repeat with a from 1 to count of FinalList
if a + 1 is (count of FinalList) and item a of FinalList contains "href" then set theFileContents to theFileContents & "'" & (item a of FinalList) & "'"
if a + 1 is not (count of FinalList) and item a of FinalList contains "href" then set theFileContents to theFileContents & "'" & (item a of FinalList) & "',"
end repeat
set theFileContents to theFileContents & ");" & return & return
set theFileContents to theFileContents & "urls = urllist.length" & return
set theFileContents to theFileContents & "function randomlink() {" & return
set theFileContents to theFileContents & "randomNum = Math.floor" & return
set theFileContents to theFileContents & "((Math.random() * urls))" & return
set theFileContents to theFileContents & "document.write('<p>Random link: ' + urllist[randomNum] + '</p>')" & return
set theFileContents to theFileContents & "}" & return
set TempText to ""
set CurrDir to ""
repeat with a from 1 to count of FinalList by 2
if item (a + 1) of FinalList is not CurrDir then
set CurrDir to (item (a + 1) of FinalList)
if a is not 1 then set TempText to TempText & " document.write('</ul></p>');" & return
set TempText to TempText & " document.write('<p>" & CurrDir & "');" & return & " document.write('<ul class=\"Links\">');" & return
end if
set TempText to TempText & " document.write('<li>" & item a of FinalList & "</li>');" & return
end repeat
set TempText to TempText & " document.write('</ul>');" & return
set TempText to TempText & " document.close();"
set theFileContents to theFileContents & return & return & "function writelinks() {" & return
set theFileContents to theFileContents & TempText
set theFileContents to (theFileContents & " document.write('<p>" & (((count of FinalList) / 2) as integer) as string) & " links <a href=\"http://homepage.mac.com/C1905266514/E209013910/index.html\">last updated</a> on " & (TheDate as string) & "</p>');" & return
set theFileContents to theFileContents & "}" & return
--Write the javascript file
--set theTargetFile to ((((path to current user folder) as string) & "Library:Application Support:iBlog:Javascript:safaribookmarks.js"))
set theTargetFile to (((path to desktop) as string) & "safaribookmarks.js") as file specification
open for access theTargetFile with write permission
set eof of theTargetFile to 0
write (theFileContents) to theTargetFile starting at eof
close access theTargetFile
on error
close access theTargetFile
end try
end try
on searchReplace(theText, SearchString, ReplaceString)
set OldDelims to AppleScript's text item delimiters
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to SearchString
set newText to text items of theText
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to ReplaceString
set newText to newText as text
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to OldDelims
return newText
end searchReplace