I have a script in FileMaker that gathers all the job numbers of closed jobs. What I need is to copy those job numbers as a list for a applescript to use. How would I go about doing that? As of now, I’m placing the job numbers into a text field in FileMaker as (ex. “99999”,“88888”,“77777”) and I’m copying that field and pasting it into a variable in AppleScript. Thank you in advance. (I hope this makes sense).
no extra field needed if you work with the found set
tell application "FileMaker Pro Advanced"
tell layout "aLayoutName" to show
-- perform Find
delete every request
end try
set reqID to create request
tell reqID
set data of cell "aTableOccurrenceName::aFieldName" to "aFieldQuery"
-- set data of cell "aTableOccurrenceName::aFieldName" to "anOtherFieldQuery"
end tell
if (count records) = 0 then return
set ClosedJob_list to {}
set ClosedJob_list to get data of field "aTableOccurrenceName::theClosedJobFieldName" of current layout
end tell
repeat with thisJob in ClosedJob_list
display dialog thisJob
end repeat
on substitute(s, r, t)
set s to s as list
set r to r as list
set t to t as text
set tid to AppleScript's text item delimiters
repeat with i from 1 to count s
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to s's item i
set t to t's text items
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to r's item i
set t to t as text
end repeat
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to tid
return t
end substitute
tell application "FileMaker Pro Advanced" to set ClosedJob_list to get data of cell "aTableOccurrenceName::theClosedJobFieldName" of current record
set ClosedJob_list to paragraphs of substitute({"\"", ","}, {"", return}, ClosedJob_list)
repeat with thisJob in ClosedJob_list
display dialog thisJob
end repeat
I will give both these examples a try. Thank you for your help with this.
clemhoff, your second example worked perfectly. I greatly appreciate you helping me. This is going to make my life much easier.