Expose preferences


Am I imagining things or was there a dictionary with Expose preferences in the System Events suite in Mountain Lion. I can’t find the word Expose. Looked in Finder and Standard Additions also.



I haven’t worked through “all of this” yet, but it seems to me that a lot of stuff regarding spaces, and expose has disappeared. It is hard for me to tell, since I time warped from Snow Leopard. What I think I have understood, is that spaces nowadays are used with full screen apps. I haven’t figured out how to use spaces with “desktop apps” as of yet, and if it is possible.

I can positive acknowledge, that there aren’t no Spaces or Expose app either in Mavericks. (But the new way of doing things works for me.)

Expose scripting got killed (ridden over) in the last iteratinos of OSX.
However I found a workaround: switching the various spaces via the assigned (different) background pictures.

For a hint, see below:

set currSpace to getSpace()
set theItems to {"1   Mail & Surf", "2   Chrome en Scripts", "3   EyeTV en Stream", "4   Utils", "5   Clean Finder", "6"}
repeat with k from 1 to number of items of theItems
	if (character 1 of item k of theItems) as integer = currSpace then set seleksion to item k of theItems
end repeat
set fApp to short name of (info for (path to frontmost application))
tell application fApp to set nwSpace to choose from list theItems with prompt "Select a Space:" default items seleksion
tell application fApp to activate
if nwSpace = false then return
set nwSpace to (character 1 of (nwSpace as string)) as integer
if nwSpace = 1 then set desiredBG to "1280Ferris_1280.jpg"
if nwSpace = 2 then set desiredBG to "1390valleyinrisingsunlight1-0"
if nwSpace = 3 then set desiredBG to "1in_search_of_a_beak_rose.jpg"
if nwSpace = 4 then set desiredBG to "1prettyredrocksinfirstsunlight2-0"
if nwSpace = 5 then set desiredBG to "8380seabynight1-0"
if nwSpace = 6 then set desiredBG to "endlessdesertification1-0"

tell application "Finder"
	set theDesktopPic to desktop picture
	set theName to displayed name of theDesktopPic
	if nwSpace = currSpace then return
	repeat until theName is desiredBG
		if nwSpace > currSpace then tell application "System Events" to keystroke (ASCII character 29) using control down
		if nwSpace < currSpace then tell application "System Events" to keystroke (ASCII character 28) using control down
		tell me to delay 1
		set theDesktopPic to desktop picture
		set theName to displayed name of theDesktopPic
	end repeat
end tell

on getSpace()
	tell application "Finder"
		set theDesktopPic to desktop picture
		set theName to displayed name of theDesktopPic
		if theName is "endlessdesertification1-0" then
			return 6
		else if theName is "8380seabynight1-0" then
			return 5
		else if theName is "1prettyredrocksinfirstsunlight2-0" then
			return 4
		else if theName is "1in_search_of_a_beak_rose.jpg" then
			return 3
		else if theName is "1390valleyinrisingsunlight1-0" then
			return 2
		else if theName is "1280Ferris_1280.jpg" then
			return 1
		end if
	end tell
end getSpace


Thanks for sharing. I have just timewarped from Snow Leopard, so I’ll wait a little with testing it, but I now do understand that I can get at the various desktop backgrounds, by just dragging a window to the top on an empty place in mission control, and thereby creating a new space. I’ll have to take it from there, while I smell the viritual cow-skin. :wink:

(One particular car brand always has the seats in their models covered with real cowskin.)


Thanks for the confirmations. I’ll check out the script.

Thanks a lot,

Model: MBP - OS10.9
AppleScript: AS 2.3
Browser: Safari 7.0
Operating System: Other

I never really tried using these spaces. It work pretty well. When you click on an open app in the dock, It switches to the space it is open in!