I have tried several different methods of getting size of folder (as it appears in finder) using FSGetCatalogInfoBulk, NSFileManager, NSURLFileSizeKey etc. and they all come up considerably short. Just something faster than “get physical size” and Finder. Any new thoughts and why are these methods not showing the finder size, or is the finder size wrong?
Sometimes the Finder is indeed wrong. However, this seems to do a pretty good job:
use scripting additions
use framework "Foundation"
set theFolder to "/Users/shane/Desktop/Explorer stuff"
set totalSize to its sizeOfFolder:theFolder
display dialog (its formatAsBytes:totalSize)
on sizeOfFolder:folderPosixPath
set anNSURL to current application's |NSURL|'s fileURLWithPath:folderPosixPath
set totalSize to 0
set theEnumerator to current application's NSFileManager's defaultManager()'s enumeratorAtURL:anNSURL includingPropertiesForKeys:{current application's NSURLTotalFileSizeKey, current application's NSURLIsDirectoryKey} options:0 errorHandler:(missing value)
set nextURL to theEnumerator's nextObject()
if nextURL is missing value then exit repeat
set theDict to nextURL's resourceValuesForKeys:{current application's NSURLTotalFileSizeKey, current application's NSURLIsDirectoryKey} |error|:(missing value)
if (theDict's objectForKey:(current application's NSURLIsDirectoryKey)) as boolean is false then
set thisSize to theDict's objectForKey:(current application's NSURLTotalFileSizeKey)
set totalSize to totalSize + (thisSize as real)
end if
end repeat
return totalSize
end sizeOfFolder:
on formatAsBytes:theValue
set theNSByteCountFormatter to current application's NSByteCountFormatter's alloc()'s init()
theNSByteCountFormatter's setIncludesActualByteCount:true
return (theNSByteCountFormatter's stringFromByteCount:theValue) as text
end formatAsBytes:
NSURLTotalFileSizeKey requires 10.7, and NSByteCountFormatter requires 10.8.
on getCalculatedSize_(newsize)
set newsize to newsize as integer
if newsize as integer < 1000 then
return (my roundThis_(2, newsize) as string) & " KB"
else if newsize as integer < (1000 * 1000) then
return (my roundThis_(2, ((newsize / 1000 * 10)) / 10) as string) & " MB"
else if newsize as integer < (1000 * 1000 * 1000) then
return (my roundThis_(2, (newsize / 1000 / 1000 * 10) / 10) as string) & " GB"
return (my roundThis_(2, (newsize / 1000 / 1000 / 1000 * 10) / 10) as string) & " TB"
end if
end getCalculatedSize_
on roundThis_(num, n)
set num to num as number
set n to n as integer
set x to 10 ^ num
(((n * x) + 0.5) div 1) / x
end roundThis_
I presume you’re quoting the value the Finder gives for “on disk”, which is calculated differently. To get that, you use NSURLTotalFileAllocatedSizeKey instead of NSURLTotalFileSizeKey.
Disk space is generally calculated using 1000 rather than 1024; that’s what you need to use if you want to match the Finder. But you can also change the handler if you’d prefer:
on formatAsBytes:theValue
set theNSByteCountFormatter to current application's NSByteCountFormatter's alloc()'s init()
theNSByteCountFormatter's setIncludesActualByteCount:true
theNSByteCountFormatter's setCountStyle:(current application's NSByteCountFormatterCountStyleFile)
return (theNSByteCountFormatter's stringFromByteCount:theValue) as text
end formatAsBytes:
If you need to support versions before 10.8, by all means roll your own. Otherwise, it’s pointless work. NSByteCounter gives you more control, as well as localized units.
Your formatAsBytes is great. I did some speed tests on several large folders (iPhoto, Library etc…) using your method, fastFolderSizeAtFSRef, and finder:
The finder took about 4 seconds via “size of (info for the/file)” so is equal to fastFolderSizeAtFSRef. As you can see the fastFolderSizeAtFSRef is fast but of course deprecated.
I imagine Finder uses something similar to the deprecated fastFolderSizeAtFSRef.The time diff was similar on all folders I tried.
Cheers, Rob
fastFolderSizeAtFSRef (from Daniel Jalkut) I of course reference from an OBJc class file.
+ (unsigned long long) fastFolderSizeAtFSRef:(FSRef*)theFileRef{
FSIterator thisDirEnum = NULL;
unsigned long long totalSize = 0;
// Iterate the directory contents, recursing as necessary
if (FSOpenIterator(theFileRef, kFSIterateFlat, &thisDirEnum) ==
const ItemCount kMaxEntriesPerFetch = 256;
ItemCount actualFetched;
FSRef fetchedRefs[kMaxEntriesPerFetch];
FSCatalogInfo fetchedInfos[kMaxEntriesPerFetch];
OSErr fsErr = FSGetCatalogInfoBulk(thisDirEnum,kMaxEntriesPerFetch, &actualFetched, NULL, kFSCatInfoDataSizes | kFSCatInfoNodeFlags | kFSCatInfoRsrcSizes,fetchedInfos,fetchedRefs, NULL, NULL);
while ((fsErr == noErr) || (fsErr == errFSNoMoreItems))
ItemCount thisIndex;
for (thisIndex = 0; thisIndex < actualFetched; thisIndex++)
// Recurse if it's a folder
if (fetchedInfos[thisIndex].nodeFlags &
totalSize += [self fastFolderSizeAtFSRef:(&fetchedRefs[thisIndex])];
// add the size for this item
totalSize += fetchedInfos
totalSize += fetchedInfos[thisIndex].rsrcLogicalSize;
if (fsErr == errFSNoMoreItems)
return totalSize;
Interesting. I originally used FSGetCatalogInfoBulk() in ASObjC Runner, and changed to the NSURL method later, but I didn’t see such a big performance hit. I was probably testing smaller folders, and timing the full turn-around.