I am looking for a way to search through around 1000 entries in a table. I am working with a data soucre and I tried:
delete every data row of data_source whose contents of data cell 1 does not contain search_string
It works great on small lists but it’s slow on very long lists. What is the fastest way? Obj-C? I am open to using other languages besides applescript.
In that case you might want to take a look at the tutorial Building a Sample Core Data Application http://developer.apple.com/cocoa/coredatatutorial/index.html which shows you, among other things, how to implement a search field through Cocoa and Objective C.
As for your applescript, it seems to me that part of the problem is that you’re trying to solve your problem through the interface. If you want to search through your data, search through your data and then output the results to the interface.