figuring out which table view?

In my app, i’ve multiple table views. I’ve set one up so that the script is a delegate of it, so I can get notifications when the selection in the table changes. I can log the object sending the notification just fine, but since I’m eventually going to have multiple table views feeding into tableViewSelectionDidChange:(sender), I’d like to have a reliable way to figure out which one. I tried some of the tricks in, including:

if (sender's object) = (my theHostTable) then
     log "host table"
end if


if (sender's object) = (AppDelegate's theHostTable) then
     log "host table"
end if

but neither of those seem to work.


if sender's object()'s isEqualTo:theHostTable then

that did the trick, and thanks again!

so within tableViewSelectionDidChange, is there a way to tell what triggered it? i.e. up/down arrow vs. mouse click?
