So here my situation. Basically get a file every day that I need to upload to a server. I was running 10.3, and had entourage save the file and run a script when I received the specific email with the attachment. I just switched to Tiger and it doesn’t seem to be working anymore. Here’s the script. All I updated with the new code was the new location of the file. Everything else is the same.
set this_item to "Macintosh HD:Users:tetuanrp:Documents:Clients:Shomex:BDE:10286.txt"
set fullURL to ""
tell application "URL Access Scripting"
upload alias this_item to fullURL replacing yes with progress without binhexing
end tell
do shell script "sleep 20"
tell application "Finder"
delete file "Macintosh HD:Users:tetuanrp:Documents:Clients:Shomex:BDE:10286.txt"
end tell