Note, I’m using TexEdit+, not TextEdit
Doing simple string replacements with this:
set searchList to {"@TEXT 10/12 PT:<f\"ITC Franklin Gothic Demi\">1 Year 3 Years <f$><f\"ITC Franklin Gothic Demi\">5 Years <f$><f\"ITC Franklin Gothic Demi\">10<\\!s>Years"}
set replaceList to {"@example table head_4Col: 1 Year 3 Years 5 Years 10 Years"}
tell application "Tex-Edit Plus"
tell window 1
repeat with x from 1 to the number of items in replaceList
replace replacing with item x in replaceList looking for item x in searchList ¬
with cases matching and whole words matching
end repeat
end tell
end tell
…or I thought they were simple.
I need to search for some strings that contain backlashes (QuarkXPress tags), but I think TE+ needs me to coerce them somehow.
I thought the way to do that was with an extra "" preceding it, but that doesnt seem to work with TE+. (I keep getting “Can’t make some data into expected type”)
That error msg sounds like a coercion issue, right?
Hope anyone knows / can help.