Finder Duplicate Command and Returned Reference

I’m upgrading applescripts that worked in Snow Leopard but fail in Yosemite.

I’ve tracked down one problem to the Finder’s “duplicate” command. It no longer appears to return a reference to the duplicated object.

set testPath to "MyVolume:Path:To:File:testfile.txt"

tell application "Finder"
	set fileRef to duplicate (testPath as alias)
	log fileRef as string
end tell

On a Yosemite Mac, the duplicate command works but the returned fileRef is undefined. On the log line, I get the error: “The variable fileRef is not defined.”

On a Snow Leopard Mac, the duplicate command works and the returned fileRef variable is fine. On the log line, I get: “MyVolume:Path:To:File:testfile copy.txt”

The Finder dictionary on the Yosemite machine says:

The duplicate command is supposed to return the specifier.

Anyone else run into this problem? Am I missing something? Is there a workaround?


I don’t get it on Mavericks either. I can set a variable to the result, though, which gets the path.

set testPath to “HD:Mag2.txt”

tell application “Finder”

set fileRef to duplicate (testPath as alias)

set fileRef to result as string --> "HD:Mag2.txt"

end tell
return fileRef

Hi Kerflooey,

No joy for me.

I tried

set fileRef to result


 set fileRef to result as string

with the duplicate command as both

set fileRef to duplicate (testPath as alias)


duplicate (testPath as alias)

For me, on Yosemite, the result is a variation of “The variable result is not defined.”

Interesting that there’s not more outcry. Seems like the Finder’s “duplicate” command is going to show up in a lot of scripts – it’s pretty low level. And having a reference to the duplicated file is essential for a lot of tasks. But I didn’t pull up much when searching for folks having troubles with it.


When I run this from Script Editor:

set dp to path to desktop
set f to choose file
tell application "Finder"
	duplicate f to dp
end tell
(* result:
document file "TestFile.rtf" of folder "Desktop" of folder "kelhome" of folder "Users" of startup disk of application "Finder"

It works.

Edited: this also works when run as application:

set dp to path to desktop
set f to choose file
tell application "Finder"
	set newf to (duplicate f to dp) as alias as string
end tell
display dialog newf

Hi Kel1

Yes. The duplicate command still works under Yosemite. But it no longer returns a reference.

This is what doesn’t work:

set myRef to duplicate f to dp

This is also working in Script Editor:

set dp to path to desktop
set f to choose file
tell application "Finder"
	set newf to (duplicate f to dp)
	log newf
end tell

Edited: forgot the result:
(document file TestFile.rtf of folder Desktop of folder kelhome of folder Users of startup disk)

Edited: I got the result under the Message button.

It might have to do with the fact that your problem is hard to reproduce. I ran:

set testPath to "Macintosh HD:Users:shane:Desktop:Screen Shot.png"
tell application "Finder"
	set fileRef to duplicate (testPath as alias)
	log fileRef as string
end tell

And the log in Script Editor shows:

tell application "Finder"
	duplicate alias "Macintosh HD:Users:shane:Desktop:Screen Shot.png"
		--> document file "Screen Shot copy.png" of folder "Desktop" of folder "shane" of folder "Users" of startup disk
		--> error number 0
	get document file "Screen Shot copy.png" of folder "Desktop" of folder "shane" of folder "Users" of startup disk
		--> "Macintosh HD:Users:shane:Desktop:Screen Shot copy.png"
	(*Macintosh HD:Users:shane:Desktop:Screen Shot copy.png*)
end tell

That error looks odd, but the reference is being returned to the duplicate command.

You’re right, Shane. And Kel1. Your version does work when the file is local, just as you showed. I didn’t realize that my issue had to do with the file being located on a network share, being accessed over SMB (SMB2 I think?). And I’m relieved that it’s not a wider problem.

So I have a file “test.txt” located at the root of Oasis, the drive that’s on the network. test.txt contains the string: “This is some text.”

Here’s the Applescript, including a file read to demonstrate that the file is readable at the testPath variable:

set testPath to "Oasis:test.txt"
tell application "Finder"
	set fileContents to (read file testPath as «class utf8»)
	log fileContents
	set fileRef to duplicate (testPath as alias)
	log fileRef as string
end tell

Here’s the log result in Script Editor.

tell application "Finder"
	read file "Oasis:test.txt" as «class utf8»
		--> error number -10004
end tell
tell current application
	read file "Oasis:test.txt" as «class utf8»
		--> "This is some text.
end tell
tell application "Finder"
	(*This is some text.
	duplicate alias "Oasis:test.txt"
		--> current application
		--> error number 0
error "The variable fileRef is not defined." number -2753 from "fileRef"

Does this make any sense to you?

So yes, I get the same result with a file on a remote volume. (The error number -10004
is to be expected because you’re using a scripting addition command inside an application tell block.)

Yet another reason to avoid using the Finder – as if we needed one.

What do you like to use instead of the Finder? System Events, shell out to Unix, something else?

Which has been so since at least Snow Leopard.

I’d been sheltered from this by sticking with Snow Leopard to date. Now I must pay!

Hi alastor933,

Reading the thread from 2010 that you linked to – and I wonder why I didn’t find it when I was searching – it seems that you were confronting the same issue. In your post #15 on that thread, you came up with a workaround. My dutch is a bit rusty, but I’m guessing " kopie" means " copy". So you’re just hard-coding the expected copy filename and going from there?

Seems like a reasonable, if kludgy, workaround!

That’s what I did, yes.

And I just did it too! Thanks!

Any of those. Personally I’d use AppleScriptObjC.

What need to complicate the life ?
I dislike the Finder but your goal may be easily reached.

set testPath to (path to desktop as text) & "HP OfficeJet Pro 8610e.rtf"

tell application "Finder"
	set fileRef to get (duplicate (testPath as alias))
end tell
fileRef as text

Yvan KOENIG (VALLAURIS, France) samedi 8 novembre 2014 22:43:29

Yes, perfectly. Try to run a clean code.

set testPath to "Oasis:test.txt"
# Don't call read file wich is a component of the OSAX Standard Additions in a tell application block !
	set fileContents to (read file testPath as «class utf8»)
	log fileContents
tell application "Finder"
	set fileRef to get (duplicate (testPath as alias))
	log fileRef as string
end tell

Yvan KOENIG (VALLAURIS, France) samedi 8 novembre 2014 22:48:08

Hello Yves,

I was hoping your script with the “set fileRef to get (duplicate …)” approach would work but, alas, it does not.

It probably works with your local file on the desktop. But it fails on the mounted network share.

Good point on moving the read file statement out of the tell block. That statement, though, wasn’t really a part of the problem. I just added it to the script to demonstrate that the testPath existed and was readable by the Finder. The key is the “set fileRef to duplicate…” which no longer works on the network share.


Have you tried using unix’ ‘cp’ command? I don’t have access to a network share, so can’t test it.
