Can you help me with Finder application.
How to open a “Textedit” document with (Finder application)
File “open with” Application “Safari”
The reason I ask is, I need to open the document or file with Application “Safari” is that in french it corrects accents without having to make a script do the same actions.
“TextEdith” file “open with application"Safari”
Thanks for the help
Thanks Jacques, your answer solved my problem, of “opening with”
Open this Scriplet in your Editor:
tell application “Finder”
open (document file “untitled text3.txt” of folder “Desktop” of folder “jack” of folder “Users” of startup disk) using path to application “Safari”
end tell
Would you have an answer to another problem?
Copy, paste to clipboard
tell application “Safari” to set S to text of document 1
tell application “Safari”
close window 1
end tell
tell application “Finder”
activate application “FileMaker Pro”
end tell
tell application “Finder”
activate “menu BAR”
activate file “FM.MUSIQUE 1 .fp7”
open file “FM.MUSIQUE 1 .fp7”
end tell
tell application “FileMaker Pro”
activate "Field "
activate field “texte”
activate “record”
set somevVar to the clipboard
paste (text from clipboard to window 1)
end tell
as you can see, i’ve treid, but it does not copy the text to the clipboard nor paaste the text to FileMaker. Where did I go wrong?
Thanks for your help
Hi! out there,
Thanks for the help, the first solution worked fine.
Tell application “Safari”
set S to text of document 1
close window 1
end tell
tell application “Finder” to open file “FM.MUSIQUE 1 .fp7”
tell application “FileMaker Pro”
set field “texte” of current record to S-- replace “texte” by the real field name if the field name is not “texte”
–or in a new record
–tell (create new record) to set field “texte” to S
end tell
Time to move to the next step
Sincerely yours