We have had sort by “Date Added” in the Finder now for a few years but there hasn’t been a way to show this yet through AppleScript that I am aware of. Has anyone been able to script to show the “Date Added” column in list view?
tell application "Finder"
tell list view options of the front Finder window
set properties to {calculates folder sizes:false, shows icon preview:false, icon size:large icon, text size:12, uses relative dates:true, sort column:name column}
tell column name column
set properties to {index:1, sort direction:normal, width:280}
end tell
tell column size column
set properties to {index:2, sort direction:normal, width:72, visible:true}
end tell
tell column modification date column
set properties to {index:3, sort direction:normal, width:120, visible:true}
end tell
tell column creation date column
set properties to {index:4, sort direction:normal, width:120, visible:true}
end tell
tell column kind column
set properties to {index:5, sort direction:normal, width:120, visible:false}
end tell
tell column label column
set properties to {index:6, sort direction:normal, width:72, visible:false}
end tell
tell column version column
set properties to {index:7, sort direction:normal, width:72, visible:false}
end tell
tell column comment column
set properties to {index:8, sort direction:normal, width:240, visible:false}
end tell
set sort column to size column
end tell
tell the front Finder window
set current view to list view
set zoomed to false
end tell
end tell