folder action - recursively through sub folders and files


I am trying to get my script to watch not only a folder but also all the sub folders and files within it.

It’s important that I only watch and change permissions on new files because there are way too many files involved.

Thanks, Reid

on adding folder items to this_folder after receiving added_items
	repeat with anItem in added_items
			tell application "Finder"
				set owner privileges of anItem to read write
				set everyones privileges of anItem to read write
				set group privileges of anItem to read write
			end tell
		end try
	end repeat
end adding folder items to

I don’t think this is possible with a single script. That is, a folder action attached to a folder is invoked only an item is added to that folder, not to its sub-folders. But I’m not sure and haven’t the time to test right now.

So: either attack a folder action to the subfolders (which may be possible with applescript – an applescript could attach a folder action to a folder under OS9; not sure about X), or store the time when the folder was last examined, then files added after that time are new files. If the latter course is chosen, the applescript should probably run automatically at set times (e.g., a cron job or use iDo Script Scheduler) instead of be a folder action.

Thanks for the reply.

I am going to move on and try to set up a cron script to reset the permissions.

Hi, I think I got something for you. I wrote this script for a friend, who was going nuts from changin permissions in his public folder.

It makes the logged in user the owner and set permissions to “everything allowed to everybody” or 777. It runs on OS X only.

on adding folder items to thisfolder after receiving filelist
	repeat with i from 1 to (count filelist)
		set thisfile to posixPath (item i of filelist as alias) with quotes
	end repeat
	set rep to display dialog "New Data arrived.
open Folder?" buttons {"no", "yes"} default button "yes" giving up after 10
	if button returned of rep is "yes" then
		tell application "Finder"
			open thisfolder
			select every item of filelist
		end tell
	end if
end adding folder items to

on changepermissions(thisfile)
	set x to do shell script "who am i"
	set myname to first word of x
	set cmd to "chown -R " & myname & " " & thisfile
	do shell script cmd with administrator privileges --password ""<- insert your admin-password to get rid of the annoying dialog
	set cmd to "chmod -R 777 " & thisfile
	do shell script cmd
end changepermissions

It requires “system.osax” system OSAX

Enjoy “your” Data!