hello Everyone,
I am new on this platform, Currently I am on learning stage.
I have created a photoshop action and i just want to add it on as folder action script.
Any one guide how could i create a folder action script to run my photoshop action on it.
Folder actions are assigned to folder(s) that process items that are being added to the folder(s).
What do you want it to do exactly? What is the script?
If the script is AppleScript then you can create the folder action in Automator and put the script in the “Run AppleScript” action.
I have created an action in photoshop CC, And I want to inbuilt it as on folder action script.
I have written a script to perform my action on folder action setup, when job is received in folder.
on adding folder items to this_folder after receiving these_items
repeat with an_item in these_items
tell application “Adobe Photoshop CS”
open an_item
do action “My_Action_Name” from “Action_Set”
end tell
end repeat
end adding folder items to
It is working half like when folder get the job (image file) then it is open in photoshop and showing an error message that is : " The Command “Play” is not currently available.
Please guide how could i resolved this issue.
I don’t use Photoshop so I’m not familiar with its command syntax, but the first thing that I would look into is the do script part since the script executes fine up to this point. It’s do action that errs out. What is this do action… from… about? Could you post the code?