Folder Actions?

What I want to do is have the Scripts folder in my iTunes folder and the iTunes folder in my user Scripts folder sort of synchronized. I want to have all the same folders in both locations, anything other than that, besides this next kind, in only the 2nd location, and (this is the tricky bit) any scripts or applications actually reside in the first location but have aliases, in the same folder as they are in the first location, to each script/application in the first location inside the second location. To be even more picky, I don’t want the aliases to have " alias" at the end of their name. To make that clearer, I want:

  1. Folders and subfolders, but not the files in them, the same.
  2. Applications and scripts in location 1 with alias in location 2 in the same folders, and the aliases named exactly the same as the originals.
  3. Everything else only in location 2

(location 1 = ~/Library/iTunes/Scripts, location 2 = ~/Library/Scripts/iTunes. Potentially confusing, I know.)

If I understand Folder Actions correctly, all I should have to do is dump the script in the subfolder I want it in inside location 2, and if I want to have it in a new subfolder, make one as usual. However, I have no idea how to do this- that’s where you come in!
