Folders as list

I need to run a script to multiple folders in one go…
My problems is that i cannot find a way to set a list of folders from a main folder and run the script to each of them. this could be probably easy and basic but i canot find a way to do it…

Any help appreciated…


If I understand your post correctly, this should get you pointed in the right direction:

set mainFolder to (choose folder)

tell application "Finder"
   set subFolders to every folder of folder mainFolder as alias list
end tell

-- now you have a list of all the folders in the main folder, so loop through them:
repeat with eachFolder in subFolders
   -- your code here --
   -- Remember, 'eachFolder' is a pointer to the current folder in the list
end repeat

Thanks, that is exactly what i need. I have include it in my script and it is working! Many thanks…