Forwarding desktop email to mobile devices

I have a script that forwards an email from my home email on my desktop to my iPhone and iPad mobile email. (I may have gotten some help with it from someone from macsripter but can’t remember.) One can select various emails in main window of Mail and then select script from the main menu script icon.

I have deactivated the script and have indicated where the two email addresses should go.


(*set msg_sender to <“your desktop email address”>

tell application “Mail”
set the_messages to the selection --this is a list of selected messages
repeat with current_message in the_messages --individual message
set fwd_message to forward current_message with opening window --the_messages with opening window
tell fwd_message
set sender to msg_sender
set my_recipient to make new to recipient with properties {address:<“your mobile email address here”>}
end try
end tell
send fwd_message --the current message
end repeat
end tell*)