Forwarding from Microsoft Outlook 2016


I now have to use an Exchange Server that will not let you make a rule to forward messages to a destination outside of its domain. However, I would still like to forward certain email notices to one of our other domains.

Does anyone have an example of a simple forward from Microsoft Outlook 2016? My current plan is to periodically scan the Inbox, say every five minutes, for unforwarded messages from a certain address and forward them to a single outside address. I’m running Sierra and Outlook 2016 (not Outlook 365).

Any example, tips, or insights appreciated!

Hi Kerflooey,

I use this for forwarding messages in Outlook 2011, not 2016.
Not sure if it will give you a start.

The relevant email is selected prior to running. I’ve placed it in the script menu.

tell application "Microsoft Outlook"
	set theSelection to selection
	forward (item 1 of theSelection) to "" with opening window
end tell


Hi and thanks. Your script creates a new forwarding message window which is all filled in except for the TO address field. This is actually the main problem I’m having so far: getting the TO address field filled in!

Funny, I keep running into you. :smiley:

Did you ever find a solution to this? Working on the same script updates as my other post, and forwarding is not working for me either.

No, but I saved a URL with a possible workaround: Please let me know if that works for you!

Hot damn, you did it!!!

All I had to do was add the “without opening” bit, as below. I have theAssign defined in a list previously, but an address in quotes works as well. Brilliant!
I’ll do more testing tomorrow.

set newMessage to forward item 1 in selectedMessages to theAssign without opening window

And thank you for testing that!

can anyone assist? i tried something similar but it does not forward the message. not error & no forward. here is my script:
tell application “Microsoft Outlook”
set frontMessage to front item of (get current messages)
if frontMessage is not missing value then
set forwardMessage to forward frontMessage
tell forwardMessage
make new recipient at end of to recipients with properties {email address:{address:“”}}
end tell
display dialog “No message selected.” buttons {“OK”} default button 1
end if
end tell