Front Row: is active check...


First of all let me report some key facts I recently discovered on Front Row activity:

  1. Once launched Front Row stays in memory if left by means of either series of Escape key presses or series of MENU button pushes on Apple Remote;
  2. To fully unload Front Row from memory the hotkey Cmd+Option+Escape should be pressed (source);
  3. When Front Row is active Folder Actions script could be launched and processed in background, unlike scripts selected in Preferences → CDs & DVDs pane;
  4. A script launched before activation of Front Row will remain running in background after Front Row become active;

So let’s assume that Front Row is loaded in memory permanently.
Could you please help to compose a Script which would check if Front Row is currently active (shown on the display)?

It seems that Front Row is not of usual application…
However there should be the way to poll its state!

delay 15
tell application "System Events"
	set frontmostApplication to name of the first process whose frontmost is true
end tell
log frontmostApplication as text

This script launched immediately before activation of Front Row (Command+Escape shortcut) returns “Script Editor”.

I’m still trying to investigate a solution, so any help would be very much appreciated.