Frustrated and need your HELP!!!

I have a script where I am trying to add a text layer onto an image and alter the font and size. The code work all by itself, but when added into the main script I can not get the font or size to work correctly. I hope is it something easy, but I can not figure it out.

This code works perfectly.

tell application "Adobe Photoshop CS2"
	make new document
	set artLayerRef to make new art layer of current document with properties {kind:text layer}
	set textItemRef to text object of artLayerRef
	set font of textItemRef to "Helvetica"
	set size of textItemRef to 25
	set contents of contents of textItemRef to "Here's some text"
end tell

This does not work. The Text will change for some fonts, but I can not get the font size to change. Sometimes it gets bigger, but most of the time it is 75.
The part that is broken is at the bottom of this script, but if you see anything that is wrong I would appreciae that also.

property WatermarkFile : "Volumes/Shadrach/Imagine/Effects Watermark.tif"

set thefile to choose file {}

tell application "Adobe Photoshop CS2"
	tell application "Finder"
		set theFileName to name of thefile
		set theFileName to (text 1 thru ((length of theFileName) - 4) of theFileName)
	end tell
	open thefile as JPEG
	set ImageDocument to current document
	set background color to {class:RGB color, red:0, green:0, blue:0}
	set fileWidth to width of ImageDocument
	set fileHeight to height of ImageDocument
	if fileWidth > fileHeight then
		set ImageRatio to fileWidth / fileHeight
		if ImageRatio > 1.62 then
			set ImageResize to 700
			set HeightRatio to fileHeight / 433
			set ImageResize to fileWidth / HeightRatio
		end if
		set ImageResize to 433
	end if
	resize image ImageDocument width pixels ImageResize resample method bicubic
	resize canvas ImageDocument width pixels 720 height pixels 540
	tell current document
		filter layer "BackGround" using unsharp mask with options {class:unsharp mask, amount:28, radius:1.9, threshold:0}
	end tell
	do action "Proofs" from "eMotion Actions"
	flatten ImageDocument
	set artLayerRef to make new art layer of current document with properties {kind:text layer}
	set textItemRef to text object of artLayerRef
	set font of textItemRef to "Helvetica"
	set size of textItemRef to 25
	set contents of contents of textItemRef to "Here's some text"
	set position of textItemRef to {360, 500}
end tell

I am really frustrated with this because it seems like it should be so easy, but it is not allowing me to change the font or size consistently.

Thanks for all your help in advance.

I don’t have APCS2, but it seems to me that your ‘telling’ is tangled

First, the Finder block should be right under the choose file.

Next, you set up a tell current document block when the current document is defined above as ImageDocument

Finally, although I’m not sure, if you’ve flattened the document can you then do your new stuff? Shouldn’t that be up where you’re setting size and ratio, etc.?

Haven’t had much time to look at this but at a quick glance think it should be more like this. Adam you were correct with what you said with the one exception Photoshop will allow you to flatten the layer stack at any point then continue to add new stuff above this but you can be forgiven for not knowing this without having the application.

property WatermarkFile : "Volumes/Shadrach/Imagine/Effects Watermark.tif"
set thefile to choose file {} without invisibles
tell application "Finder"
	set theFileName to name of thefile
	set theFileName to (text 1 thru ((length of theFileName) - 4) of theFileName)
end tell
tell application "Adobe Photoshop CS"
	set background color to {class:RGB color, red:0, green:0, blue:0}
	set UserPrefs to properties of settings -- Store the users prefs
	set ruler units of settings to pixel units -- Change the ruler units
	open thefile -- No "as JPEG" required "open as" is a class with options ie EPS & PDF
	set ImageDocument to current document
	tell ImageDocument
		set fileWidth to width
		set fileHeight to height
		if fileWidth > fileHeight then
			set ImageRatio to fileWidth / fileHeight
			if ImageRatio > 1.62 then
				set ImageResize to 700
				set HeightRatio to fileHeight / 433
				set ImageResize to fileWidth / HeightRatio
			end if
			set ImageResize to 433
		end if
		resize image width ImageResize resample method bicubic
		filter layer "BackGround" using unsharp mask with options ¬
			{class:unsharp mask, amount:28, radius:1.9, threshold:0}
		-- USM better before adding the black black edge
		resize canvas width 720 height 540
		do action "Proofs" from "eMotion Actions"
		set artLayerRef to make new art layer at beginning with properties ¬
			{kind:text layer}
		set textItemRef to text object of artLayerRef
		set font of textItemRef to "Helvetica" -- Must be postscript name
		set size of textItemRef to 25
		set contents of contents of textItemRef to "Here's some text"
		set position of textItemRef to {360, 500}
	end tell
	set ruler units of settings to ruler units of UserPrefs -- Reset user ruler unit prefs
end tell

First let me say thank you for the quick response and the good pointers. Some of that bad coding was my frustration and putting stuff in there to see if it “will” work, but thank you for pointing out my mistakes. However, I am still not getting the font size to change in the bigger script.

For some reason the font is still sized at 75 or larger and I can not figure out why the difference or why I can not resize the font.

If you guys have ANY other options or suggestions I would love to hear them.


Unfortunately I don’t have CS2 yet so I can’t advise if this a bug issue with this release, I have seen posts about resizing issues but none have referred to the type object. The code works fine with CS1. You could try specifying the type units worded a different way see if that makes any difference. This also works in CS1.

tell application "Adobe Photoshop CS"
	set docRef to the current document
	tell docRef
		set myTextLayer to make new art layer in docRef ¬
			with properties {kind:text layer, name:"Test Type"}
		set properties of text object of myTextLayer to ¬
			{font:"Optima-Bold", size:72, stroke color:{class:RGB color, red:255, green:0, blue:0}, position:{100, 300}, contents:"Here's some text."}
	end tell
end tell