ftp files to a directory path using curl

I’ve been trying to use curl in a shell script to put file on an ftp site. So far I can put file on the root directory but I’ve been unable to put the files in any directories that are on the root directory itself. Here’s my code

set ftp_path to "the folder I'm trying to path to"
set ftp_name to "username"
set ftp_pw to "password"
set ftp_server to "ftp address"
set this_file to choose file
set thisPOSIXfile to quoted form of POSIX path of this_file
set shellscript to "curl -u " & ftp_name & ":" & ftp_pw & " -T " & thisPOSIXfile & " " & ¬
	ftp_server & ""
do shell script shellscript

I know that in the above script I’m not specifying the ftp_path but I’ve tried to insert it into the shellscript in various places without any success.
Please Help!

I think you can include all in the FTP url. Ie: ftp://userlogin:userpassword@ftp.setver.com/dir/subdir/

More here: http://bbs.applescript.net/viewtopic.php?id=11443

if your upload path is a dir make sure that it ends in a /
but if its a file (rename during transfer) then thats ok.

other thing:
have you checked the case.

Hi jj,
I’ve looked at your link but it was a little indepth for my knowledge, but I managed to get my script to work. In the previos script I was trying to specify the directory using another variable but I found if I just include the directory path on the end of my ftp_server variable it works, simple :o

set ftp_name to "username"
set ftp_pw to "password"
set ftp_server to "ftp address/the path/"
set this_file to choose file
set thisPOSIXfile to quoted form of POSIX path of this_file
set shellscript to "curl -u " & ftp_name & ":" & ftp_pw & " -T " & thisPOSIXfile & " " & ¬
	ftp_server & ""
do shell script shellscript

Many Thanks for your response