Well this isn’t exactly Applescript but here’s a fun little tip, probably a few of you know.
Open Terminal and paste this in and hit return
A list should come up with a bunch of text based games you can play. Once you’ve decided which one to play type this in and hit return
3)Press esc+x simultaneously . Then type in the name of the game you want to play. You do not have to add the extension. say you want to play pong? just type pong and hit return. Enjoy!
Simultaneity is not necessary. Pressing and releasing ESC then pressing and releasing x should bring up the M-x “prompt” that lets one enter the name of one of the games (or any other interactive function available in the active Emacs image).
Or check the “Use option key as meta key” checkbox in the “Keyboard” section of the “Window Settings.” inspector a Terminal.app window. Then press Option-x (⌥X) instead of “ESC, then x”.