This is one of those nonsensical scripts that might be handy some of the time…
First you select the folder for which the icons to be put in circle formation, then you enter the circle radius in px.
Before running the script, open the folder and make the finder window large enough to contain the intended circle.
Documents and alias’ folders are re-arranged, folders are not.
I use it to clean up the desktop. Move all the desktop stuff into a temporary folder, run the script and move the re-arranged icons back to the desktop.
Organize your folder items in a circle
Choose arrange by name and then apply this script to show
all folder items (except subfolders) in a circle (clockwise ordered by name)
Copyright 2007 Chaos Geordend, Johan van Oostrum
2007-03-08 JvO, New script
-- Main()
copy the text item delimiters to old_tid -- save text delimiters
set the text item delimiters to ", "
set theFolder to (choose folder with prompt "Choose a folder to re-organize...")
tell application "Finder"
open folder theFolder
--display dialog name of theFolder as text
end tell
--set radius to text returned of (display dialog "Radius?" default answer 250)
--do_Organize(theFolder, radius)
set distance to text returned of (display dialog "Icon spacing (in px)?" default answer 100)
do_Organize(theFolder, distance)
copy old_tid to the text item delimiters -- restore original delimiters
-- Procedures
on do_Organize(theFolder, d)
local r, O, n, phi, cosPhi, sinPhi
local theFiles, theBounds, startpos, thepos
tell application "Finder"
-- get the file(reference)s in the desktop folder
set theFiles to every file of theFolder
set n to the count of theFiles
if n < 2 then return
-- rotation step angle in degrees
set phi to 360 / n
-- radius depends on the icons spacing
set r to (n * d / (2 * pi))
-- determine the center of the window (containing the items to be organized)
set O to {0, 0}
set theBounds to the bounds of Finder window (name of theFolder as text)
copy (round ((third item of theBounds) - (first item of theBounds)) / 2) to first item of O
copy (round ((fourth item of theBounds) - (second item of theBounds)) / 2) to second item of O
-- reposition the first item
set the position of the first item of theFiles to {first item of O, (second item of O) - r}
-- rotate the items that remain...
set startpos to {0, -r}
set thepos to {0, 0}
repeat with i from 2 to n
--display dialog "name: " & the name of item i of theFiles
tell me
copy cosine((i - 1) * phi) to cosPhi
copy sine((i - 1) * phi) to sinPhi
end tell
-- Rotate:
-- x := x * cos(phi) - y * sin(phi)
-- y := x * sin(phi) + y * cos(phi)
copy ((first item of startpos) * cosPhi - (second item of startpos) * sinPhi) to first item of thepos
copy ((first item of startpos) * sinPhi + (second item of startpos) * cosPhi) to second item of thepos
set the position of item i of theFiles ¬
to {round ((first item of thepos) + (first item of O)), ¬
round ((second item of thepos) + (second item of O))}
end repeat
end tell
end do_Organize
-- Trig functions from
-- "A simple Taylor series expansion needs a whole lot more iterations for angles for
-- which the answer is nearly unity. Chebycheff polynomials are a whole lot better."
on cosine(x) -- degrees
local myCos, numerator, denominator, factor
set myCos to 0
if (x = 90) or (x = 270) then
set myCos to 0
set x to (x - (((x / 360) div 1) * 360)) * (pi / 180)
set {myCos, numerator, denominator, factor} to {0, 1, 1, -(x ^ 2)}
repeat with i from 2 to 40 by 2
set myCos to myCos + numerator / denominator
set numerator to numerator * factor
set denominator to denominator * i * (i - 1)
end repeat
end if
return myCos
end cosine
on sine(x) -- degrees
local mySin, numerator, denomintator, factor
set mySin to 0
if (x = 180) or (x = 360) then
set mySin to 0
set x to (x - (((x / 360) div 1) * 360)) * (pi / 180)
set {mySin, numerator, denominator, factor} to {0, x, 1, -(x ^ 2)}
repeat with i from 3 to 40 by 2
set mySin to mySin + numerator / denominator
set numerator to numerator * factor
set denominator to denominator * i * (i - 1)
end repeat
end if
return mySin
end sine