I’m trying to gauge what interest (if any) there might be among forum members / AppleScript users for the following as described.
I’ve worked out a simple way that compiled AppleScripts and valid (compilable) script text files can be run on double click… or when clicked in the Dock… rather than simply opening in Script Editor.
It involves a change to the name extension of the files/documents involved, a lightweight stay open runner app ‘associated with’ the name extension, and not much more.
I haven’t done much in the way of timing, but my first impression is that there is at least some speed advantage over using an AS app for the same purpose.
– (Link to download deleted.) –
Below is the brief documentation file.
Any/all comments are welcome… especially as to the perceived utility (again, if any) of ScriptRunner.
Peter Bunn
About ScriptRunner & Composer-Converter…
ScriptRunner is a stay open app who’s only purpose is to run scripts or script text associated with it.
Scripts and text scripts with the name extension ‘.srs’ will be run by ScriptRunner on double click in the Finder… or single clicked from the Dock.
AppleScripts (e.g. ‘.applescript’ or ‘.scpt’) dragged to ScriptRunner’s icon will also run without modification.
When double clicked, Composer-Converter opens a simple interface into which you can enter script text and test it… or save it to file, ready to be run by ScriptRunner.
Dragging text scripts or compiled scripts to Composer-Converter will convert them to double clickable run form. They may easily be returned to their former state by reverting their name extensions back to those appropriate to Script Editor (e.g. ‘.applescript’ or ‘.scpt’).
Preliminary testing has shown that ScriptRunner documents (i.e. those with an ‘.srs’ name extension) can be run from FastScripts menu or key commands without conflict. Other keyboard / macro programs have not been tested.
Both ScriptRunner and Composer-Converter are in early beta form. They have ONLY been tested on OS X 10.4.11 and may not run at all on Leopard.