Here is the problem…
I know how to get all active swatches/colors for a document, but what I need to do is get the active colors for each page in a document. I am also able to get all of the colors for each page using the following script.(And yes I know the return value of the swatch list isn’t “clean” it’s not important here, for my purposes.)
tell document 1 of application “Adobe InDesign CS5”
set SwatchList to {}
set SwatchName to “”
set PageCount to count of every page
repeat with p from 1 to PageCount
set TextFrameCount to count of every page item of page p
repeat with T from 1 to TextFrameCount
tell page item T
set SwatchName to name of fill color
end try
copy SwatchName to the end of SwatchList
set SwatchName to name of stroke color
end try
copy SwatchName to the end of SwatchList
set SwatchName to name of fill color of parent story
end try
copy SwatchName to the end of SwatchList
set SwatchName to name of stroke color of parent story
end try
copy SwatchName to the end of SwatchList
end tell
end repeat
set SwatchList to SwatchList as string
display dialog SwatchList
set SwatchList to {}
end repeat
end tell
This is what I need, if I have a linked Illustrator file or Photoshop file I need their color information, whether they are CMYK, spot, etc. This is the end need, I am creating a slug that updates colors for each page, so if there is an easier way to get this information, any help is a appreciated.