get contents of a table view to another table view

I create a program that print quarkxpress-files to postscript-files.
The program have a table view where i can drop quarkxpress-files. When i pressed the button “create” the program made ps-files from the quarkxpress-files of the list.
If the ps-file was created the file was removed from the filelist.

When there is a error (if there is a image modified at the document) → the file was copied to the target_folder (error-folder)

I would like to list files with an error (when a image is modified) in a another table view.
But i become every time the error “NSContainerSpecifierError (2)”

How can i do that?
Please help me!
Many thanks…

sorry for my bad english!

on missList()
	tell application "QuarkXPress Passport"
		close document 1 saving no
	end tell
	tell application "Finder"
		duplicate alias fileName to target_folder with replacing
	end tell
------------- here i want to add the file to a second table view "error"-------------
	tell data source of table view "error" of scroll view "error" of window "main"
		set newLine to make new data row at end of data rows
		set contents of data cell "error" of newLine to fileName
	end tell
end missList

From what I can see, it looks like you are not correctly identifying the table view. You need to specify it’s correct ‘path’, not just in the window but also referencing it’s location inside the tab view. I haven’t tested this, but you’re probably looking for something like…

   tell data source of table view "error" of scroll view "error" of tab view item "errorTab" of tab view "myTabView" of window "main"

You’ll obviously want to make sure that you change ‘errorTab’ and ‘myTabView’ to match the names you’ve given to your tab and tab view.

Hope that helps, as everything else seems OK.

sorry jobu! :cry:
I make a mistake… My program have 2 table views
(one for the dropped quark-files and one for the error-files)

My programm dont have a tabview! Sorry!

Who can help me to get the data in the second table view?!?

Many thanks…