A recent thread in the Code Exchange forum includes several scripts that identify all files in a selected folder that have a duplicate file. The last script in the thread is by Nigel and is the one to use.
Just on a proof-of-concept basis, I wrote a shortcut that does the same thing. However, it should be noted:
Get Contents of Folder
action returns hidden files and package contents, which makes the shortcut unusable in some circumstances. -
Occasionally, the shortcut appears to run without end. In some cases, this may be a reflection of how slow the shortcut is, and, in other instances, this may be the result of hidden and package files. Also, of course, there may be an error in the shortcut.
The Shortcuts app does not support sets or subtracting one list from another, and, as a result, I had to employ a different approach to get the duplicate files. I think this works correctly but further testing is needed.
The shortcut uses the md5 hash algorithm, but this can be changed to one of three other options. I ran timing tests with all four hash algorithms, and there was no difference.
Nigel’s script employs pre-filtering by file size, but I don’t believe this can be done with a shortcut, except by employing a shell command.
I’ll work to see if I can address a few of the above issues. If anyone tests this shortcut, it’s best done with a folder that contains a relatively small number of files. The following screenshot only shows a portion of the shortcut.
Find Duplicate Files.shortcut (24.7 KB)