Get file inside a Package

I have a set of files from an application of type “”, each containing one rtfd file (no contents folder like a bundle). I want to duplicate that internal file to an external folder, but so far have failed to do so in any form of plain vanilla AppleScript.

In the Finder, “Show Package Contents” works as expected, and double-clicking the enclosed file opens it in TextEdit. Just appending that file name to the path to the package file fails and telling TE to open it fails.

The posix path to the internal file does work, for example, with mdls. Am I forced to extract and duplicate all of these files with shell script calls, and if so, why?

Thats strange cause I can get it to work with a bundle… time to go make a package it would seem… The terminal is your friend though Adam :smiley:

Interesting, James. If you “ditto -rsrc” an rtfd (rich text with figure embedded), ditto splits it into rtf and the image. If you “rsync -aE” the rtfd it delivers an rtfd. Why does anyone use ditto?