Get Online Users

This script returns the users that are online on MacScripter in a list. Enjoy!

property userList : {}
property curUsers : {}
property userIDs : {}

(* Comments are a big part of other people's lives. Not mine. Yet I will include them anyway. :) *)
--comments will be placed BEFORE the action :)
set curUsers to {}
set userIDs to {}

--check the users (and do everything else)
on getCurrentUsers()
	--get the HTML code of MacScripter
		set theContents to (do shell script "curl " & "\"\"")
		log result
	on error
	end try
	--make sure its a string
	set theContents to theContents as string
	--get the online lsit
	searchAndReplaceString_stringToSearchAndReplace_theSearchString(theContents, "<dt><strong>Online: </strong></dt>")
	set the2 to item 2 of result as string
	log result
	--get the online list
	searchAndReplaceString_stringToSearchAndReplace_theSearchString(the2, "</dl>")
	set the1 to item 1 of result
	log result
	--and finally get the online list
	searchAndReplaceString_stringToSearchAndReplace_theSearchString(the1, ">")
	set theNList to result
	set theNum to 0
	set otherNum to 0
	set almostNameList to {}
	set gettingID to {}
	--The items that are the user names are the third item, and then every fourth item from there
	repeat with x from 1 to count theNList
		if x = 2 then
			set gettingID's end to item x of theNList
			set otherNum to x
		else if x = 3 then
			set almostNameList's end to item x of theNList
			log result
			set theNum to x
		else if x = theNum + 4 then
			set almostNameList's end to item x of theNList
			log result
			set theNum to x
		else if x = otherNum + 4 then
			set gettingID's end to item x of theNList
			set otherNum to x
		end if
	end repeat
	log "Bubbles"
	set IDList to sortID(gettingID)
	set urlList to getID(IDList)
	set userIDs to urlList
	set sortNameList to {}
	--now we need to add the finishing touches to our list
	repeat with x from 1 to count almostNameList
		searchAndReplaceString_stringToSearchAndReplace_theSearchString((item x of almostNameList), "<")
		set sortNameList's end to item 1 of result
		log result
	end repeat
	--set the list of curent users
	set curUsers to sortNameList
	return sortNameList
end getCurrentUsers

on searchAndReplaceString_stringToSearchAndReplace_theSearchString(stringToSearchAndReplace, theSearchString)
	set returnString to stringToSearchAndReplace
	set oldASTID to AppleScript's text item delimiters
	set AppleScript's text item delimiters to theSearchString
	set tempString to text items of stringToSearchAndReplace
	--set AppleScript's text item delimiters to theReplaceString
	set returnString to tempString
	set AppleScript's text item delimiters to oldASTID
	return returnString
end searchAndReplaceString_stringToSearchAndReplace_theSearchString

on checkUsers()
		--get the list of users that were in last check
		set tempList to userList
		--get the current users
		set userList to getCurrentUsers()
		--if users left or joined then:
		if tempList is not equal to userList then doesNotEqual(tempList)
		--else jsut display who's online:
		if tempList is equal to userList then set p to (choose from list curUsers with prompt "These are the users that are currently online." & return & return & "Select one to go to their ID page." with empty selection allowed) as string
		if p is not equal to "false" then openID(p, tempList)
	end try
end checkUsers

on doesNotEqual(temp)
		set li to {}
		set li2 to {}
		--check for users
		if temp is not equal to {} then
			repeat with x from 1 to count temp
				if item x of temp is not in userList then set end of li to item x of temp
			end repeat
		end if
		repeat with x from 1 to count userList
			if item x of userList is not in temp then set end of li2 to item x of userList
		end repeat
		--show the users
		if li is not equal to {} then
			choose from list li with prompt "These are the users who left since last check:" with empty selection allowed
		end if
		if li2 is not equal to {} then
			choose from list li2 with prompt "These are the users who joined since last check:" with empty selection allowed
		end if
		set p to (choose from list curUsers with prompt "These are the users that are currently online." & return & return & "Select one to go to their ID page." with empty selection allowed) as string
		if p is not equal to "false" then openID(p, curUsers)
	end try
end doesNotEqual

on doQuit()
	display dialog "Hmmm. You appear to not be connected to the internet, something vital for this app." buttons "OK" default button 1
end doQuit

on sortID(theList)
	set oList to {}
	repeat with x from 1 to count theList
		searchAndReplaceString_stringToSearchAndReplace_theSearchString((item x of theList as string), "<a href=\"")
		set itm to item 2 of result
		set oList's end to itm
	end repeat
	set theList to {}
	repeat with x from 1 to count oList
		searchAndReplaceString_stringToSearchAndReplace_theSearchString((item x of oList as string), "\"")
		set itm to item 1 of result
		set theList's end to itm
	end repeat
	return theList
end sortID

on getID(theList)
	repeat with x from 1 to count theList
		set tempi to item x of theList
		set tempoi to "[url=][/url]"
		set tempoi2 to tempoi & tempi as string
		set item x of theList to tempoi2
	end repeat
	return theList
end getID

on openID(pp, tempList)
		repeat with x from 1 to count tempList
			if item x of theList is pp then set theNum to x
		end repeat

	set theItem to item theNum of userIDs
	tell application "Safari" to open location theItem
end openID

What was edited?
The script was redone once again so that when the choose from list command shows the current users you can select one to go to their account page on MacScripter.
And once again, I’m sure there’s a lot that could be changed to make the code shorter and more elegant, but right now it works and i’m happy with that.

great idea but doesn’t work because my curl returns not a


Hmmm… I’ll work on that. It worked for me. Go to View > Show Source in Safari to see the source code. Check to see if it is there.

Odd error.

I’ve looked into your code… You can do this in one single command btw. I agree it’s a long command but it works and that’s importand

every paragraph of (do shell script "curl -s " & (quoted form of "") & " | grep -i " & (quoted form of "<dd><a href=\"profile.php?id=") & " | sed -n -e 's/.*\\\">\\(.*\\)<\\/a>.*/\\1/p'")

I did it through AppleScript as I’m not very good at shell. :slight_smile:
Does it work for you now?

Yes it does, for you too?

I have to agree that the sed command doesn’t make any sense for people who are not familiar with that. But the power of tools like sed, awk, grep, tr and sort (to name a few) are huge compared with the slow string commands in AppleScript.

It works…

I want to make a simular application (Cheacks tweets from people I like) How would I do that