Today, I clicked through the pages at MacDevCenter.com, and filled a Safari window with 116 pages I wanted to read. Then I discover that the only title on each page is MacDevcenter, when I started off writing a script to save them to a folder.
Daniel Jalkut’s click next link script came to the rescue, as there were the handler to search for a link by its text, and “click” it by javascript. Unfortunately, I can’t find the script over at red-sweater.com anymore, but I posted the original version here
Well, the script is here, should you come into a similiar situation, it may feel like slow, but entering like 100 tabs, and clicking the “Print” link, and then choose a name to save it under, now that is just aggravating! (When you know you can script it!)
-- Main Script
property macdevcenterFolder : "Macintosh HD:Users:McUsr:Desktop:MacDevCenter:"
-- The javascript is totally stolen from Daniel Jalkut of Red Sweater Software
set myJavaScript to "
function GetLinkIndexNamed(theLinkName)
for (i=0; i<document.links.length; i++)
var thisLinkContent = document.links[i].innerText;
// Convert all non-breaking space to plain for matching
thisLinkContent = thisLinkContent.replace(/\\xA0/g, ' ');
// IS it the next link?
if (thisLinkContent.toLowerCase() == theLinkName.toLowerCase())
return i;
return -1;
var foundLinkIndex = -1;
foundLinkIndex = GetLinkIndexNamed('Print');
if (foundLinkIndex != -1)
-- You have opened a bunch of articles in http://macdevcenter.com
-- you want to save this for later, by a title, from which you can
-- discern what the article is all about.
-- you have the Safari window loaded with articles, and specified
-- a folder to save them in by the property at the top of this script.
tell application "Safari"
tell its front window
set theTabs to every tab whose URL contains "MacDevCenter"
end tell
repeat with aTab in theTabs
tell aTab to do JavaScript "self.focus()"
tell document 1
-- we "click" the print link, to get a friendly title
-- and read format.
do JavaScript myJavaScript
repeat while true
-- We'll have to wait until the page to print is properly loaded.
if (do JavaScript "document.readyState") is "complete" then
set fullTitle to (do JavaScript "document.title")
if fullTitle starts with "MacDevCenter.com: " then exit repeat
end if
delay 0.2
end repeat
-- This is what we are interested in.
set theStuff to source
end tell
set thisTitle to my textItems(2, fullTitle, ": ", null)
-- we create the filename to save it under
set fullHfs to macdevcenterFolder & thisTitle & ".html"
my writeToFileAsUtf8(fullHfs, theStuff)
on error e number n
display dialog e & " " & n
end try
end repeat
end tell
to textItems(whatItems, theText, splitDelims, replaceDelim)
local oldDelims, theExtract, theNewText
if splitDelims = null and replaceDelim is not null then
-- we are going to create a list of the text
set {oldDelims, AppleScript's text item delimiters} to {AppleScript's text item delimiters, replaceDelim}
set theExtract to theText as text
set {oldDelims, AppleScript's text item delimiters} to {AppleScript's text item delimiters, splitDelims}
if class of whatItems = list then -- range
set theExtract to text items (item 1 of whatItems as integer) thru (item 2 of whatItems as integer) of theText
if replaceDelim is not null then -- swap delimiters
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to replaceDelim
set theExtract to theExtract as text
end if
else if whatItems = null then -- preflight
set theExtract to (count text items of theText)
else if whatItems = 0 then -- explode
set theExtract to text items of theText
if replaceDelim is not null then -- swap delimiters
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to replaceDelim
set theExtract to theExtract as text
end if
else -- single text item
set theExtract to text item whatItems of theText
end if
end if
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to oldDelims
return theExtract
end textItems
on writeToFileAsUtf8(fName, stuff)
local fRef, n, fsz
set fRef to open for access fName with write permission
write stuff to fRef as «class utf8» starting at 0
set fsz to get eof fRef
close access fRef
return fsz
on error e number n
close access fRef
end try
error e number n
end try
end writeToFileAsUtf8