Get URL from Chrome, run command in terminal

I am trying to get the URL from the active tab in Chrome, Open terminal, and then run the youtube-dl command with the received URL. This is what I have so far:

tell application “Google Chrome”
set bigURL to the URL of active tab of window 1
end tell
tell application “Terminal”
do script “youtube-dl -f best” - bigURL
return input
end tell

it does not work however. Any suggestions?

I think I solved the issue with:

tell application “Google Chrome”
set bigURL to the URL of active tab of window 1
end tell
tell application “Terminal”
do script "youtube-dl -f best " & bigURL
return input
end tell

You can use

do shell script "/usr/local/bin/youtube-dl --no-check-certificate -f best " & bigURL

instead of tell application “Terminal”