get video size with ffprobe (part of ffmpeg tools)...


OK. The script is:

set inputfilepath to POSIX path of (choose file with prompt "Choose video file...")

do shell script "opt/local/bin/ffprobe -i " & inputfilepath
return result as text

and I get nothing. Simply “”

But, when I invoke this command strictly in terminal (ffprobe -i '[inputfileposixpath] the info about file is displayed.

The question is: how to print result form shell comand to applescript?

Also, the terminal command “ffprobe -i '[inputfileposixpath] > info.txt” creates empty file.



try to quote the input file path

set inputfilepath to POSIX path of (choose file with prompt "Choose video file...")
do shell script "opt/local/bin/ffprobe -i " & quoted form of inputfilepath
return result as text

Hello Stefan
In meantime I investigate this problem.
The ffprobe writes the results not in stdout. Ironically, writes results to stderr.
So, the correct script is:

set inputfilepath to POSIX path of (choose file with prompt "Choose video file...")

do shell script "opt/local/bin/ffprobe -i " & quoted form of inputfilepath & " 2>&1"
return result