My goal is to prompt a user to select a Group from a list. This list of Groups is composed from the groups that exist in the Address Book. Once a group is selected, I would like the script to extract all information about the contacts in that group. Here is what I have so far, but I’m not getting very far. Any suggestions would be grand.
tell application “Address Book”
set listOfSenders to {}
set everyGroup to every group
set theRequestedGroup to {}
repeat with eachGroup in everyGroup
set listOfSenders to listOfSenders & {(name of eachGroup) as string}
end repeat
set theRequestedGroup to choose from list listOfSenders with prompt ¬
"Which group would you like to send this message to?" without multiple selections allowed
set Recipients to {}
set everyPerson to every person in theRequestedGroup
repeat with eachPerson in everyPerson
set Recipients to Recipients & {(email of eachPerson) as string}
display dialog Recipients
end repeat
tell application "Address Book"
set listOfSenders to {}
set everyGroup to every group
set theRequestedGroup to {}
repeat with eachGroup in everyGroup
set listOfSenders to listOfSenders & {(name of eachGroup) as string}
end repeat
set theRequestedGroup to choose from list listOfSenders with prompt ¬
"Which group would you like to send this message to?" without multiple selections allowed
set theRecips to {} --let's just change the name of the variable Recipients to theRecips to avoid any clashes with terms from any dictionary (like your mail client)
set everyPerson to every person of group (item 1 of theRequestedGroup as string)
repeat with eachPerson in everyPerson
set emailRecs to (value of email of eachPerson) --get the value of the email field of each person in this group
set primaryEmail to item 1 of emailRecs --for some reason it would not let me do this all on one line "set emailRecs to item 1 of (value of email of eachPerson)"
copy primaryEmail to the end of theRecips --copy the value of the email address field to the end of your list
end repeat
end tell
--result=theRecips {"email address 1", "email address 2"} of selected group