I have a photo that does not store the creation date in the meta data, so my question is Where could it be?
when I run
set the_file to choose file
set {metaDataNames, metaDataValues} to my get_image_info(the_file)
on get_image_info(the_file)
tell application "Image Events"
set the_file to open the_file
return {name of metadata tags of the_file, value of metadata tags of the_file}
end tell
end get_image_info
these are the results
get name of every metadata tag of image “100_0752.jpg”
{“formatOptions”, “hasAlpha”, “space”, “pixelHeight”, “typeIdentifier”, “bitsPerSample”, “path”, “make”, “dpiWidth”, “model”, “pixelWidth”, “samplesPerPixel”, “dpiHeight”, “format”}
get value of every metadata tag of image “100_0752.jpg”
{“default”, false, “RGB”, 1944.0, “public.jpeg”, 8, “/Users/josephsheehan/Desktop/100_0752.jpg”, “EASTMAN KODAK COMPANY”, 480.0, “KODAK EASYSHARE M893 IS DIGITAL CAMERA”, 2592.0, 3, 480.0, “jpeg”}
As you see there is no creation date (Date the photo was taken)
When I run
set a to choose file with prompt "Select a file for which you would like the ISO:"
set b to (do shell script "mdls " & quoted form of POSIX path of a)
The creation date comes back with the result of when the file was made, not the date the photo was taken. Since it is a copy, the date is today.
If I take the same file/photo and import it into iPhoto in the information box in iPhoto the “Date” is the date the photo was taken.
So where is this stored? and how do I access it?