Getting real CMYK values from colors in XPress 6.5


I need to obtain a list of used colors (names and values) from XPress.
But AppleScript returns me values like {0,0,0,65525} that I can’t use.
How can I get them in percentage format, the one we use in general?


when creating colours in Quark use your (% * 655.25) when reading ÷ 655.25 your example is 100% black a pain in the. I know.

Please play around with this (It renames the Colors):

tell application "QuarkXPress Passport_652"
	if not (exists document 1) then error "No document is open."
		tell document 1
			set allColors to every color spec
			repeat with aColor in allColors
				set tmpNameColor to name of aColor
				tell aColor
					set {myCyan, myMagenta, myYellow, myKey} to (CMYK color value of aColor)
					set {myCyanString, myMagentaString, myYellowString, myKeyString} to {"c" & (((myCyan / 655.35) as integer) as string), "m" & (((myMagenta / 655.35) as integer) as string), "y" & (((myYellow / 655.35) as integer) as string), "k" & (((myKey / 655.35) as integer) as string)}
					set name of aColor to "" & myCyanString & " " & myMagentaString & " " & myYellowString & " " & myKeyString
				end tell
			end repeat
		end tell
	on error
		return false
	end try
end tell

Greets from