gotta be easy, but i can't move file

I’m trying to do two things which have got to be extremely easy. But for whatever reason they’re not working for this newbie.

Check an external drive for a specific folder. If it exists, don’t do anything. If it doesn’t exist, create that folder. Fine. Then, move a file from the desktop to that specific folder. I found a script that would make one on the desktop, but I can’t for the life of me figure out how to make this folder to another drive. Here’s the desktop version:

tell application "Finder"
	select window of desktop
	if not (folder ("Backup Folder") exists) then
		make new folder at desktop with properties {name:"Backup Folder"}
	end if
end tell

Now, when I simply try to make a new folder on the other drive, I’ve been trying variants of this:

set Backup to "Backup Folder"
set myFolder to "Volumes:Renders:"
tell application "Finder"
	make new folder at folder myFolder with properties {name:Backup}
end tell

And again, after the folder is made I want to move (or copy and delete) a file from the desktop to that new folder.

Like I said, I’ll gladly take the beatings for not being able to figure this out.


It’s a matter of references to the folder to be checked. For example, I have an external drive called “ACB-External” and in it a folder called “Cleanup”. I can see if it’s there like this:

tell application "Finder" to exists "ACB-External:Cleanup:" --> true if the folder is there and ACB-External is mounted, false otherwise

For the whole make part:

tell application "Finder"
	if exists "ACB-External" then
		if not (exists "ACB-External:Cleanup:") then make new folder at "ACB-External" with properties {name:"Cleanup"}
		display dialog "ACB-External not mounted"
	end if
end tell

Moving has the same problem - you’ve got to specify the path to the object and the path to the intended container. You’ll find that moving something from your boot disk to an external actually copies it, but doesn’t delete the original. To be safe you’ll have to check if the copy got made and then delete.

See this thread for that part: