Hi, I know this is not exactly AppleScript, but I am using an AppleScript to achieve this, so I hope someone out there knows the answer to this.
I am creating an applescript to change the name of all folders within the users/my account/ path. Yes! all folders “Desktop” , “downloads” , “Documents” obviously without crashing my system. by googleing this I manage to now know the existence of the file SystemFolderLocalizations.strings within the en.lproj folder.
The AppleScript could quit the finder write my changes and relaunch the finder again. Can this be done? does anybody know if I can change the location of any of this folders? for example put “desktop” or “downloads” with in a folder in the same location? any idea? its all a simple path right?
First trying to hack websites, now the Finder? What are you doing;)
Breaking down a system is one way to understand a system better. However there are two systems running on your mac. The first one is your local (BSD/Darwin) system which can’t be broken down by using the other system. The other system is called Mac OS X, which is nothing more than a Desktop like KDE and Gnome for instance but only works on a Darwin OS.
The path to the user home folder is on Desktop level so it’s defined inside Mac OS X. These paths are not defined by the Finder nor is the localization of some folder names defined by the Finder either. I think that’s the first important lesson and secondly it’s not defined on one place however the location of the user home folder is defined in Directory Services and can be changed and used outside the “/Users” folder. Users folder, like the Volumes folder, is only recommended workspace/location to give guidelines to keep the operating systems data manageable.
This isn’t a secret
Very complete replay! thank you very much!
nothing that interesting actually several projects at the same time! but I will let you know when I hack a bank!
I never said it was a secret! I just said that I now know the existence!!!
So just to finish this topic there is no way to move this folders! that is sad