Hi All,
I’ve had this script for approx 10 years. Sadly my 2012 MacBook pro died (may it rest in pieces) and I reluctantly laid out cash to get a new one. It’s a new M1 MacBook pro that runs 11.01.
The script allows me to personalise address labels for my Christmas cards, including spouses and children in the address, it worked perfectly without fail every year. However it appears that the “contacts” part of the script no longer works, the list item totalAddresses appears empty before it is passed to word. I just can’t figure out why.
Anyway here’s the script…
tell application "Contacts"
set theContacts to the selection
set totalAddresses to {}
set counter to 0
set noPeople to count of theContacts
if noPeople is greater than 21 then
display dialog "Maximum Number is 21" & return & "you have " & (noPeople - 21) & " too many"
end if
repeat with thisPerson in theContacts
set counter to counter + 1
set thefirstName to first name of thisPerson
set thelastName to last name of thisPerson
set relCount to count of related names of thisPerson
set relNames to value of related names of thisPerson
repeat with RName in related names of thisPerson
set relType to label of RName as text
if relType is "spouse" then
set thefirstName to thefirstName & " & " & value of RName
end if
if relType is "partner" then
set thelastName to thelastName & " & " & value of RName
end if
end repeat
if relCount is greater than 1 then
set thelastName to thelastName & " & Family"
end if
set theName to thefirstName & " " & thelastName
repeat with noAddress in addresses of thisPerson
set typeAddress to label of noAddress as text
if typeAddress is equal to "home" then
set theStreetstring to street of noAddress
set theStreet to paragraph 1 of theStreetstring
set theStreet2 to paragraph 2 of theStreetstring
set theStreet to theStreet & return & theStreet2
end try
set theStreet3 to paragraph 3 of the theStreetstring
set theStreet to theStreet & return & theStreet3
end try
set theStreet4 to paragraph 4 of the theStreetstring
set theStreet to theStreet & return & theStreet4
end try
if city of noAddress exists then
set theCity to city of noAddress
set theStreet to theStreet & return & theCity
end if
if state of last address of thisPerson exists then
set theState to state of noAddress
set theStreet to theStreet & return & theState
end if
set theZip to zip of noAddress
set theaddress to theName & return & theStreet & return & theZip
copy theaddress to the end of totalAddresses
end if
end repeat
end repeat
tell application "Microsoft Word"
set Cellcounter to 0
create new document attached template "Macintosh HD:Users:Will Fox:Documents:J8160template.dotx"
set theTable to table 1 of active document
set rowCount to (count rows of theTable)
set columnCount to (count columns of theTable)
display dialog columnCount
repeat with rr from 1 to rowCount
repeat with cc from 1 to columnCount by 2
set Cellcounter to Cellcounter + 1
set aCell to cell cc of row rr of theTable
set aRange to create range active document start (start of content of text object of aCell) end ((end of content of text object of aCell) - 1)
if (cc / 2) is less than or equal to noPeople then
set the content of aRange to item Cellcounter of totalAddresses
end if
end try
end repeat
end repeat
end tell
end tell
Anyway, thanks for looking. It’s too late for this year as I just used the inbuilt contacts printing option and inelegantly hand wrote the extra stuff. Oh the shame .