Having to press Run to run a script

today's date --version 1.1 by Mark Butcher, modified to give DD/MM/YY 
triggered by CTRL D (EasyKeys)

tell application "Tex-Edit Plus"
	select window 1
end tell

copy day of (current date) to theDay
if theDay < 10 then copy "0" & theDay to theDay

repeat with theMonth from 1 to 12
	if month of (current date) = item theMonth of ¬
		{January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December} then exit repeat
end repeat
copy item theMonth of {"01", "02", "03", "04", "05", "06", "07", " 08", "09", "10", "11", "12"} to theMonth

copy (year of (current date)) mod 100 to theYear
if theYear < 10 then copy "0" & theYear to theYear

tell application "Tex-Edit Plus"
	if not (front window exists) then -- end if no window
		copy theDay & "/" & theMonth & "/" & theYear as string to selection
	end if
end tell

The shortcut key writes the date normally, but once only. Pressing ctrl D again brings the startup screen of the script with 2 buttons: Quit and Run. clicking on Run writes the date. But why am I getting this startup screen instead of executing the script? (in spite of having enabled the “never show startup screen” box)

Beige G3 Desktop 233 Mac OS 9.2.2

Traditionally, if you double-click an applet, and you keep pressed the control key, it will show such dialog. So, try releasing very quick the ctrl+D shortcut, or just change it :wink: