help! How to test visibility of windows of unscriptable application

Hi, I am new to applescript.

I am trying to use “systemevents” to test visibility of windows of an unscriptable application process.

tell app “SystemEvents”
tell application process “b”
tell window “a”
get visible of it

I constantly get errors that says coercion impossible for visibile into type reference. I used script debugger to trace and it does show me that visible property is not there because of conversion error but according to the documenation of “system events”, this is a very common property of a window.

Can somebody tell me what i did wrong. i know that if the application is scriptable, I can easily get the above information without using “systemevents”.

Another question also about unscriptable application is that how can i resize the window through applescript. simply setting size property doesn’t work very well, because the window can get “messed up”.

thank you.

hi, anybody any suggestion?

When I used UI browser, it did tell me visible property is there. Strange?