Help me plz!

i have a script

tell application "Safari"
	tell application "System Events" to keystroke "h" using {command down}
end tell

i want it to be in the finder bar. so i can click the icon and it will run the script. Any help from any one?
thanks LUke

Tip: Choose a subject that is meaningful to other forum members, not to yourself.

Is this a regular script saved as an application or an AppleScript Studio app?

just a script.
sorry about subject :slight_smile:

So what i want to be able to do is… Have a icon in the Menu bar / Finder bar. i want to click it and it will activate the script.
Thanks Luke

Save it as an application bundle, then drag the application to the Finder toolbar (you should see a green plus icon).

Hi Luke,

GUI scripting is not needed to hide an application.
This does the same

tell application "System Events" to set visible of process "Safari" to false


Launch Script Utility to activate access to all your scripts in the main Library scripts folder…!

Sorry for late reply.
When i save it as an application bundle and try and drag it to the finder bar no green arrow comes up.
(just so you get me finder bar = long white glossy thing at the top of the screen tels u wat app ur in and stuff)

Any other ideas?

And thanks StefanK for the rewrite of code :slight_smile:

That’s the Menu bar. You can use Eelco’s way for access to all your scripts from the Menu bar.