help me ! working with paths !

If the path your script uses is a predefined path (such as system folder) the sintax is quite simply:
set sysPath to (path to system folder) as text
this works also with the apple menu items, preferences, temporary items, and so on. Read the Standard Scripting Addition dictionary.
If the path your script uses is a folder or a file not included in the definition above, it still remains quite simply, but more slower. Assumes you find a folder named “Recent jobs”. The syntax is:
tell application “Finder”
repeat with i from 1 to the number of disks of desktop
set diskName to name of disk i of desktop
set myJobsFolder to folder “Applications internet” of entire contents of disk diskName of desktop
exit repeat
on error
end try
end repeat
end tell
return (myJobsFolder as text)
The time needed to do the job is proportional to the number and the size of the disk on the user machine. This may take several minute to accomplish the task. If the folder exists it get it, sure. Don’t forget to notice the user the time laps, or it may think the computer is freezed.