Help Needed: Script to auto send emails using and Numbers

Hello. I am trying to automate a marketing related email process where an apple script will send mails from a predefined email in Mail.App picking up email addresses from Numbers. Ideally it would be nice if it could mark email cells as ‘sent’ with a mild colour too. Somehow my basic script is not working. I am not familiar with Apple Script, just been using internet research to write this:

-- Set the starting time
set startTime to current date
set startTime to startTime + (1 * minutes)
-- Get the email data from the Numbers sheet
tell application "Numbers"
	set emailData to value of range "A2:D" of sheet 1 of document "MailList"
end tell
-- Choose the email account to send from
set senderEmail to "" -- Replace with the email address of the desired account
-- Iterate through the email data and send emails
set emailCounter to 0
repeat with emailRow in emailData
	-- Check if the daily email limit has been reached
	if emailCounter ≥ 45 then exit repeat
	-- Get the email details
	set recipient to item 1 of emailRow
	set recipientName to item 2 of emailRow
	set subject to item 3 of emailRow
	set message to item 4 of emailRow
	-- Delay until the next sending time
	repeat until (current date) ≥ startTime
		delay 1
	end repeat
	-- Compose the email message
	set emailContent to "Dear " & recipientName & "," & return & return & message
	-- Send the email
	tell application "Mail"
		set newEmail to make new outgoing message with properties {subject:subject, content:emailContent}
		tell newEmail
			make new to recipient with properties {address:recipient}
		end tell
	end tell
	-- Increment the email counter
	set emailCounter to emailCounter + 1
	-- Set the next sending time
	set startTime to startTime + (1 * minutes) as date -- 1 minute interval
end repeat

(Code appearance cleaned up by NG on 2023-07-06.)

At first glance the code to make an email looks okay. I’m not familiar with AppleScript in Numbers, though. The range “A2:D” is not good. And the “end tell” should be after the “end repeat”.

Can you post a better formatted script?

I don’t know how to format it better, I pasted it here and this is what became of it :frowning:

-- Set the starting time

set startTime to current date
set startTime to startTime + (1 * minutes)
– Get the email data from the Numbers sheet
tell application “Numbers”
set emailData to value of range “A2:D” of sheet 1 of document “MailList”
end tell

– Choose the email account to send from
set senderEmail to “” – Replace with the email address of the desired account

– Iterate through the email data and send emails
set emailCounter to 0
repeat with emailRow in emailData
– Check if the daily email limit has been reached
if emailCounter ≥ 45 then exit repeat

-- Get the email details
set recipient to item 1 of emailRow
set recipientName to item 2 of emailRow
set subject to item 3 of emailRow
set message to item 4 of emailRow

-- Delay until the next sending time
repeat until (current date) ≥ startTime
	delay 1
end repeat

-- Compose the email message
set emailContent to "Dear " & recipientName & "," & return & return & message

-- Send the email
tell application "Mail"
	set newEmail to make new outgoing message with properties {subject:subject, content:emailContent}
	tell newEmail
		make new to recipient with properties {address:recipient}
	end tell
end tell
-- Increment the email counter
set emailCounter to emailCounter + 1
-- Set the next sending time
set startTime to startTime + (1 * minutes) as date -- 1 minute interval

end repeat

  1. You need to reference the table within the sheet within the document.
  2. “A2:D” is not a valid range: you need to specify the first and last cell references.
  3. Ranges do not have “values”, individual cells do.


tell application "Numbers" to tell document "MailList" to tell sheet 1 to tell table 1
	set emailData to value of every cell of range "A2:D2"
end tell

… may get you started.

Please include ALL code in three backticks like so:
code goes here
Discourse works with Markdown, and that’s the way to “fence” code in MD.

I wasn’t able to get anything to work with a range at all. I always get “range can’t be read”.

This looks better, I guess. I am getting two problems.
1- Unless the numbers document is open, the script can’t find it. Which is something I can work around.
2- I get this error: error “Mail got an error: Can’t get subject.” number -1728 from subject

Probably because ‘subject’ is a property of the message and can’t be used as a variable name as well. Try changing the variable name wherever it occurs in the script.

ok thanks. Now I am getting this:

make new to recipient with properties {address:recipient}

*Error: “Mail got an error: Can’t make recipient into type rich text.” number -1700 from recipient to rich text

In the light of my previous answer, can you think why that might be?

Because ‘recipient’ is a property of the message and can’t be used as a variable name as well?

make new to recipient with properties {address:emails}

Maybe I should try something like this?

I would suggest reading through Mail’s Scripting Dictionary and checking that none of your variable names match any of its elements, classes or properties.

I had some other fun so it took me a while to finish the script:

-- Get the email data from the Numbers sheet
tell application "Numbers" to tell document "MailList.numbers" to tell sheet 1 to tell table 1
	set emailData to value of every cell of range "A2:D3"
end tell

--put the single list into 4 lists
set Counter to 1
set RecipientList to {}
set RecipientNameList to {}
set SubjectList to {}
set MessageList to {}

repeat with theItem in emailData
	if Counter = 1 then
		set end of RecipientList to theItem
	else if Counter = 2 then
		set end of RecipientNameList to theItem
	else if Counter = 3 then
		set end of SubjectList to theItem
	else if Counter = 4 then
		set end of MessageList to theItem
	end if
	set Counter to Counter + 1
	if Counter = 5 then set Counter to 1
end repeat

repeat with currentEmail from 1 to length of RecipientList
	set theRecipient to item currentEmail of RecipientList
	set theRecipientName to item currentEmail of RecipientNameList
	set theSubject to item currentEmail of SubjectList
	set theMessage to item currentEmail of MessageList
	--Compose the email message
	set emailContent to "Dear " & theRecipientName & "," & return & return & theMessage
	--Send the email
	tell application "Mail"
		set newEmail to make new outgoing message with properties {subject:theSubject, content:emailContent}
		tell newEmail
			make new to recipient at end of to recipients with properties {address:theRecipient}
		end tell
	end tell
end repeat

(Backticks for posting code here added by NG. Discourse’s Markdown Reference)

I describe how I came up with the script at Doing a simple mail merge with Numbers and Mail . I’ve omitted the start time and the counter.