HELP!!! Problems with table views and data sources

Ok, here’s the scoop…
I have one VERY BIG variable I’ve pushed into a data source to populate a table view (what happened to old fashioned listboxes?!?) I also have a second VERY BIG variable (same size as the first, actually) that’s holding correlating data. I need to get the index in the data source of the selected item in the data view. If it indeed a List, then I’m screwed with this because I can’t get the index in a list (especially with a filter reference.) Any suggestions?

Also, when I get the (id of selected data row of my table) it returns 8 for the first thing selected, then increments by 1 with each successive selection! I need to know that I’ve selected the first, 14th, or 158th item in the table view so I can get the first (or 14th or 158th) item of my second variable.


Jim Neumann

Considering the size of the two variable, walking them would be VERY SLOW.
XCode 1.5


Bad news. I don’t think it’s possible. I have a similar problem with my TuneTags AS Studio application. Table Views/data sources seem very buggy and incomplete indeed. I have had a devil of a time trying to do what I want in a reasonable way. I almost feel I’d be better of NOT using a data source, and just getting clicked cells, etc. what with how many important and helpful functions do not exist for data sources. :frowning:

I ended up having to walk through my data sources, one row at a time.

Anyway, I’m hoping someone else responds with a positive way to deal with this…